Anybody know how to search for a range of years on ebay now that they have changed their format? I can't figure it out and it seems that I am missing lots of parts out there. Andy
Search on Ebay Andy, Somewhere on the new Ebay there is an option for keeping your old Ebay. If you select that option, your old searches will still work. If you need more, I'll dig back and find it more specifically. Bob
E bay This will work: (1947,1948,1949,1950,1951,1952,1953,1954,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54) chev* (truck,pickup,3100) just save it to your profile under searches.
? NEW E-Pay ? Ph crap ~ they changed it ! just when I wasn't even close to figuring it out , too Good luck with it .
Try this Nate, go to your regular search first. Then at the top of that page there should be a "switch back" link there. Good luck, Bob
I've used the "Advanced Search" tab and entered in 1948 Chevy Pickup under "Parts and Accessories" and it seems to pick up the 47-53 spread. I'll have to look for the "switch back" tab. You can also add "Vintage" to the string...Happy surfing
My best search on vintage parts and accessories is "47 chevy truck". That gets the first year of the spread and seems to work better than "48 chevy truck" that I use to use. The only thing is that folks don't always put things where you expect to find them. The switch back is at the top just above the listings. Gater