Well Im currently doing a transmission swap in my truck going from a 350 turbo short tail to a 350 turbo long tail long tail is in better shape.My question is will my driveshaft from my short tail work in truck with long tail 350 turbo?? my drive shift fits in the end of transmission just wondering weather drive shaft needs shortened?? thanks for help.
ya, it will need to be shortened if i remember right, i got a one piece driveline of a 80's truck and had shortened to fit mine.
got the old 350 turbo short tail out,was going try put other 350 turbo long tail in but now have wait on SNOW about 5 inches of it bummer!!!! dont have a shop go in to put it back in...
thanks 62 short step,I would do same for you wish we did live closer!!guess Im getting old cold weather bothers me.Anything I can help out with Im here for you 62 short step!!
i hear ya weve had 2 weeks of snow here too. sucks. if you want to change tailhousings youll have to tear the whole tranny down and swap output shafts, there two different lengths. when i had my drive shaft shortend and balanced it cost $100.00 including ujoints. you may want to go that route, less time involved and cheaper. if you go to the lengths of swapping output shafts you might as well get a rebuild kit and just rebuild your short tail and leave the drive line as it is. rebuild kit, shift kit, and 2500 stall converter is around $300 or so if you do it yourself.
if you want to use the short tail on your new trans you have to take it all apart to put the short out put shaft in first. because thats the first peice that gos in the trans. id find a drive shaft and cut it down.
It cost me a little over $200 to have my truck shaft done. I had new universals on it but they wouldn't use them. It had to be their big dollar name brand. When I got it back I had to do a bit of work to it yet. When they knocked off the factory ballance weights they pulled a hole in the shaft at a spot weld. I guess they didn't see it. I had to weld up the little hole. BUT - if you are good around the shop you can do it yourself. I have cut a few of my own shafts. After doing one of them I was curious so I took it to the driveshaft shop for balancing. I knew they would have to check the ends to see they were straight before they ballancing. They called later in the day and said one of the ends was not straight. I told them to fix it and then ballance it. When I picked it up I found that it was the factory welded end that was crooked not the end that I shortened and rewelded. They said the other end (my weld) was perfect. I'm sure it would have worked fine.
I had mine shortened, balanced, new U-joints, and they even painted it for $120. Fit like a glove. Val
This is right. If you dad a power glid was it the long case find how long your trans & drive shaft are . Find out if the long 350 and your drive shaft are close enough it you might just beable to use the long 350 tran. Then there other way or part to try to mate. Try keep open mind on a bunch a combo's untill you can find them then get one cut if it longer.
He already has a 350 short shaft with a drive shaft to fit it, he wants to go long shaft so he will just have to have his drive shaft shortened
Sorry mixed that up. What about a step side drive shaft that was behind a 400TH should be close the the long 350 trans . How long is the 350 trans tail, if I remember right there's three 2 wheel drive one's 3", 6", 9" or 12" long tails.The longest 350 trans where in the 1973-1975 B body GM full size cars. I beleve the most 1973-87 trucks used the 6" long tail, should be close. I hope this help if not then your back to getting one cut again.
did get a measurement on the long tail 350 turbo trans. Im puting in there its only 3 inches longer than the short tail 350 turbo (short tail 28inches long-long tail 31 inches long)I took out may not have to cut driveshift have wait and see after I get the other one up in thier doing the work by myself plus its outside,have to work with the weather..its t- storming lots here!