...In Sumas, Washington. Took my money over a month ago. Never shipped the part and sold it to another person for more money instead and did not send a refund or communicate when that refund would be sent. IMO an underhanded and shady character (and that's being charitable). Signed his last email with "lol". If by chance he sends a refund, I will print a retraction praising him as a fine upstanding man, just too busy to get the refund out to me in a timely manner. I am not holding my breath. This is going on the Stovebolt page also.
Shady deal Andy, Where or how did you buy parts from this guy? Ebay? On here? A classified somewhere? Really sorry to hear about this crap happening! Bob
I posted a parts wanted ad for a specific part on this site and on the Stovebolt site. He came from one of the sites and responded to my email address. Andy
Sorry about your ordeal. Sorry about your situation. Did you ever get the part you were looking for? Larry
Somebody else chimed in and offered me the part at almost half of what I paid the other guy for it. I'm waiting for delivery now. Andy
Sorry, Andy~ I hear stuff like this and I get flashbacks to the ...fine fellow who said he'd replace the transmission in my Jeep. He got my money, I got zip. (And that was with the Attorney General's office on it for a year.) Funny side note to that~ The Police Chief of the town where the ...fine fellow worked? Busted for driving a police car while drunk. The County Attorney from the county where the guy worked? 20+ years for illegal doings. The Attorney General of Kansas? Resigned because of an affair he was having. All three of these guys at one time or another were supposed to have helped me with my ordeal. I don't read the paper, but I can only imagine a tractor fell out of the sky and crushed the asshole who took my money. That would work. All we can do is trust there is still good out there. Thank God there still is. No matter what.
Yeah Zig, Bad Karma will take care of him one way or the other. I'm only out $100.00, but it still hurts when so many really nice people have helped out with the kids project. Tight budget on this project, so something else will have to wait for now. Andy
Was His Name.. " Split Window " ~ that jerkoff screwed me too , at least I got some parts but they were junky , not the ' perfect ' stainless trims he advertised . he also had an original AD " Trucksetell " Torque Tube overdrive he made a deal with me then shopped it around and re-sold it for more...
I don't know if his name is "Split Window", but the M.O. sounds just like what he did to me. He made a deal with me and then shopped it around and sold it to another guy. His last email said, "Shipped to highest bidder. Thanks for all the bids. Lol." Guy even had the balls to ask if I could send him a tracking number for the money order I sent to him. Sent him the money order in good faith and got screwed. His replied to my email directly, so I don't know what his handle is. Maybe I can find it out. Andy
ZIG........LOVE the tractor comment. He sounds like the kind of guy that would have me stopping by at his house unannounced...........after dark.........with my tractor........better yet, with my friends 64,000lb tractor..........
Believe me if he didn't live clean across the country I would be paying him a friendly visit to get my money back.
I thought about it~ believe me "Love thy enemy" Yeah, I'd love to... In my mind I could see all the things that I would do to "Darren". The end of each clip had me being drug away in cuffs and my life's work up in smoke. The only thing recognizable about Darren was his crumpled mouth laughing at me saying, "Yup, you got me~ I STILL have your money and now I got your life! Haaaaaaaaaaaoooouch..." No, these people carve out a special place, all for themselves.
If it was a post office money order, call them. Maybe a threat from them for mail fraud might work. Jim