I'm putting together a basket case 62. I will be using an aftermarket wiring harness since I have none of the original wiring. I have the single speed wiper motor(I think). There are 4 spades coming out of the motor. #1 sits off to the side a little. #2 is right next to 3&4. #3 and #4 are tied together which makes them the same terminal so I will call them both #3. My motor runs when I put 12 vdc on spades #2 and #3. It doesn't mater what the polarity is. It runs the same direction either way. Here is the ?? I can't figure out which spade is used for the "park" power and which of the spades is the negative. Is my motor trash? or am I just dumb?? Don't answer that last part!!
As far as I know all the wipers were two speed. Slow, and a little faster than slow. The two speed wipers really didn't have a Park position. You just had to turn them off when they were in the down position. Val
I don't have the switch. I was checking it right at the motor. Does this motor just have one winding and use a resistor in the switch or does it have dual windings?