OK, new issue for me. '50 PU. Upgraded to 12 volt with a fresh 235. Can't use manifold mounted horn because there no "mounting bracket" on the manifold. I've got a few horns that I can use but I don't know if they are 6 volt or 12 volt. Is there an easy way to test them to see if they are 6 volt or 12 volt? Honk if you can help me out
I have the same issue! I'm gonna end up mounting mine to the fender or the firewall. Shouldn't matter whether it's 6v or 12v if you don't lay on it for very long, right? jon
If I had access to a 6 volt car battery I'd start by testing the horn using it. If no honk try it on a 12 volt battery. I think running a 6 volt horn on a 12 volt battery even for a short time may let the magic out. It is real hard to put the magic back in once it gets out. Ken: Saturday night car show starts March 1. I will be falling down a mountain with boards on my feet and will not be able to attend.
Horny Fun So ; Go get another 235 intake manifold with the horn mount on it ~ they're all over E-Bay or most any part site , buy one off some fellow's used 235 engine for $25.00 . Yes , you can run 12 volts through a 6 volt horn , as mentioned , don't lean on it , just toot as necessary . If it ever begins to squawk or is slow to toot , take the cover off and find the points , they look remarkably like ignition points , slack the adjuster and file them clean, , connect a test light and apply power then adjust untill the light *just* comes on , go give it a test toot ~ it toots right ? if not , make sure you've aligned all the parts " Just So " and try again , once it begins tooting , _gently_ tweak the adjuster untill it toots as _loud_ as it'll go , then hold the adjuster and snug up the locknut . Be aware that 1/8 a turn of any horn's adjuster screw , is a LOT . You can resurrect most dead old horns this way , then they're riveted to-gether , simply drillout the rivets , fix it then re-assmeble using nuts & bolts .
Another solution Ken, I had the same problem with my 235 and the horn. I just made a simple bracket and mounted the horn to the intake the same way the oil filter mounts--with a U-bolt. The bracket is made out of a piece of 1" strap steel about 5-6" long (I'd have to measure it) with holes drilled toward one end for the U-bolt to go through. Then a short piece of the same steel is welded across the other end with the holes drilled to match the original horn mount. It makes a "T", only the edge of the long piece is welded to the flat side of the short piece. I had to move my horn to the back, since the alternator and oil filter don't leave enough room for it in front. However, it was up front, with the oil filter in back until I put the new Holley/Weber carb on. It required me to move some things around. Hope this helps. I tried to attach some pics, but it won't work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I'll try to send 'em to you in a PM.
The horn on my '55.1 is mounted on the front of the radiator core support. Is that an option for you? If you want pics of the mounting area, I can post them. It is a stock mounting position. Maybe your core support has them too. It is a different type horn than shown in the "Phantom's" photo though. Andy
Core support mounted horns Andy - I'd like to see pictures of this if you can. I might change mine from underhood on the firewall to smaller 12V duals on the core support just to get it out of the way. Is your horn the type with the sorta triangular bell that is shaped more like a French horn than a trumpet? Thanks, Bob
Andy, everything is an option! Post a picture. I'm thinking of going high-low dual mounts on the firewall! Just gotta figure out if I have them and if they work.
Gater, Thanks for posting that for me, someday I'll take the time to learn how that is done. The pic shows the way I hooked up my horns once the one on the manafold went south, the pic is a truck I once seen on the net some time back. . At that time I posted to the board and Nate explained how a horn worked. I have since got the out one working but remounted it on the finderwell. Hope the pic helped. Charles
looks nice fantom! and thanks gater! i'll be saving those pics for when i get all my horn issues worked out. jon
Hi Guys, I will post pics of the mounting locations for core support mounted horns soon. I forgot that I installed the grill so getting pics of that is going to be a little tougher and I don't even have the horn installed yet either, but I can mock it up and show pics of mounting location and then with the horn bolted in. Give me a coupla days, it's pouring here today, freezing yesterday. Certainly not a "let's work on the truck" kinda day, although I did take off the old park brake cables and begin soaking them as part of my brake rebuild. Glad they came off easy as my hands were FROZEN. Andy Andy
Stuck Parkbrake Cables Andy ; Are they freayed at all ? if so , they're scrap , discard them and find some decent used ones . Clean off all the crud you can & wire brush before soaking in pure anti-freeze , as they loosen pull then back and forth to wick in the coolant , this should make them well lubed forevermore.... I'm in need of one parkbrake cable for Huck brakes .