I got my bed temp. mounted, power brakes are fixed, replaced the points, and adjusted the carb. It was a beautiful saturday afternoon so we took the old girl for a spin this weekend. No tag on it yet so had to be careful about the popo, hehe. Anyway, this thing runs so good, even with a 2 barrel, can't wait to get a 4 barrel and power steering. The brakes are amazing also. My father in law rebuilt the 283 a few years ago, think he had it bored to .040 over, not sure. Just thought I'd share. by the way made some tire smoke for my sons, they were smiles from ear to ear!! Those are the moments I live for, the wife gave me a hard time, kinda, but was smiling also, she has as much of a lead foot as I do, lol. Makes all the work worthwhile!
I live for those times too buddy!!they are like the visa com. on T.V. saying "PRICELESS", when you get ready go to a 4 barrel carb. let me know got 2 4 barrel rodcesters need rebuilt, yours FREE come pick up or pay shipping. Dont mind helping a fellow 283 guy.
Good Deal! I had mine around the block this weekend for the first time since completing the brakes, reinstalling the engine and tranny. '61 with a 350, 4 barrel, 700R-4 tranny. No leaks anywhere. That was my main concern. Holley sounded like it still needs a little fine tuning (1st time I've ever rebuilt a Holley). Still have the skinny old 78 series tires, so it smoked them up pretty good. I didn't get on it too hard as I'm still running open headers on mine. Hopefully the bonus I get this month will pay for an exhaust system and then... new paint!
Lucky guy! When my stuff smokes it is usually wiring burning or the motor needs rings. My wife gives me a hard time all the time - - Without smiling!
HA HA, funny stuff beck! hookedupgtp, I'm no where near ready for paint on mine, good luck to ya, and post pics when you are done! Thanks 283 man!
I may have hit a little cash flow snag on my exhaust and paint. I was expecting to use my 4th quarter and annual bonuses to cover things, but my first run through on my taxes makes me think the bonus money may be going to the IRS instead of the Chevy. Hopefully I made a mistake somewhere. I'll redo the taxes this weekend and see where the chips fall.
Traded my GMC grill for a nice chrome Chebby one, just got it put on, must say it makes me wanna get to work on the body! found me some tail light buckets and trim bezels on ebay, now I just need one more rear lens and the rear wiring/sockets. Any one have these LED tail lights. LED tail lights look pretty cool, 40 LEDs in each one