optional 57 overdrive. Is this desi

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by bigmoe, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. bigmoe

    bigmoe Guest

    I started stripping down a 57 Chev shortbox stepside today (restomod project). It has an overdrive on the back of the tranny that looks like it is cable operated. It also has an indicator light in the cab.
    Is this a rare/desireable item?, a dime a dozen?, or what?
  2. 58 chevy

    58 chevy Guest

    RE: optional 57 overdrive. Is this

    That is a very rare item, not very many trucks were made with that option! And yes alot of guys outthere would love to have that.
  3. babyblue81

    babyblue81 Member

    Dec 25, 2004
    Arlington USA
    RE: optional 57 overdrive. Is this

    Very cool bigmoe
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: optional 57 overdrive. Is this

    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-04 AT 07:40 PM (CST)]No , it's very bad and in fact will cause your truck to _explode_ so box it up & ship to me .

    Seriously , it's electric , the cable is for locking it out .

    Made by Borg Warner , these units were fitted to millions of Chevys and other vehicles and so not ' rare ' , it's _not_ for hauling loads as it's a light duty unit . still a good thing to have IMO although many don't seem to think so these days .

    Expect to get about $150.00 on the West Coast if it's complete and works O.K. , there's no shortage of these but knowing if it's any good or not keeps prices down .


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