Starter questions

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by omega7979, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. omega7979

    omega7979 Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    chicopee Massachusetts
    Local antique parts store

    Theres a place about 20 miles from me that is a old train depot station.......the guy that owns it is older than dirt and the place is a mess.....but he knows where every single item is in this place...... apparently he had connections with dealerships back in the day and bought all the obsolete and discontinued N.O.S. parts.........He also has alot of discontinued brand name non G.M. stuff from manufactures such as Standard ignition products, Echlin....which I think is old NAPA stuff, and I got some original style felt front hub seals made by National Seal.....I got all the tune up parts for the 235 from him and it all was Delco Remy brand new still in cardboard/metal cans...ok I can go on and on telling all this stuff. If you are restoring and want absolute correct stuff this place is the place to get it all........No sheet metal though :( .......but its all good stuff not stuff made in china like most parts offered through mail order catalogs these days.

    Ok its good to be cheep.......:cool:

  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Sounds like my kinda place!

    It's a shame that there are not more of those places still around:(
  3. omega7979

    omega7979 Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    chicopee Massachusetts
    Yeah Ken I hear that

    Its a great place but there is some things he does sell that aren't really worth buying....for instance I needed a valve cover gasket for the 235 and he sold me an original GM cork one for $16.00 and told me to soak it in the bathtub for atleast 24 hours so it will expand again because it had shrunk thru the years....he said after the soak to wipe it down with some vegetable oil to keep the moisture in it....well while wiping it down with the oil I must of got too wild ........and in a split second It folded on me and cracked....I was kinda frustrated for 2 reasons.....because I broke it and because I could of got a brand new fel pro for about half the price... live and learn I guess.........with age comes wisdom and I am only 33 :D so there is alot of wisdom still to come......

    It just started snowing here ......we are supposed to get 12 inches tonight. So im taking it easy because tomorrow i'll be busy cleaning it up.

  4. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Old parts

    Leon, thanks for the quick response. Too bad we don't have anything like that around here but I'll keep looking for the cheap stuff! (I also like doing things myself)

    Ken, I guess we shouldn't tell Leon that its going to be 75 here tomorrow!:)
  5. omega7979

    omega7979 Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    chicopee Massachusetts
    75 there tomorrow 25 here tomorrow.....

    Its all good ......once the snow stops I may just get out and do some ice fishing....... betcha cant do that down in your neck of the woods.....:D Its not like regular fishing.......get a group of guys, fire up the charcoal grills ........maybe I should bring my road draft tube to bbq it ??....hahaha , a few adult beverages, good food and pull some big fish up thru the hole in the ice....... Its kinda like a wintertime picnic


  6. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    75 degrees indeed!

    Yeah, it really sucks! Got the yard mowed again today. Second time in 3 weeks! A/C feels good in the house tonight!
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Starter Parts

    Leon ;

    Having been raised a Damn Yankee , I'm with you ~ I'll work hard before giving up and tossing an old worn out part or thing .

    Echlin is indeed , NAPA's eletrical parts line , pretty good stuff too .

    Ice fishing is great , the guys in Min. seem to have it knocked better than anything I ever saw growing up in New England tho' .

    Good to hear it worked out .

    I know one place here in L.A. that has a shopfull of vintage Delco - Remy parts but it's not seperated , cataloged , nothing ~ they have no idea what they've got and won't look , won't let anyone else look , it'll all get tossed when the current old owner sells out or dies... :mad:
  8. Pro1950T

    Pro1950T Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Frame Swap

    I got a qustion I own a 1950 chevy 3100 and I want to put the truck on a S10 Frame and I was woundering if their is a kit to swap everything or not or if their is some one on here that has done it be for
  9. Pro1950T

    Pro1950T Member

    Mar 2, 2008

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