Are There Any Risks? I just avail the “See For Free” Plan” 12 months no payment, no interest in my2020. And many of my friends ask me about the procedure and the risk about it. Does anyone here have Lasik surgery before? Anyway talking about the so called risks of Lasik according to the study there are potential risks in any procedure and LASIK is no exception. The most common potential problems that can occur during laser vision correction are under-correction, over-correction and wrinkling. Under-correction and over-correction simply mean that while the procedure may have improved your vision, it may not have completely corrected it. Wrinkling is slightly more serious. It means that the corneal flap might have been moved which causes wrinkles that can possibly lead to the permanent appearance of blurry spots. Some more serious side effects include, increased light sensitivity, halos around eyes, blurred vision and double vision. All of these symptoms should lessen and disappear after the first few weeks following the LASIK surgery. There is also a chance of corneal damage and/or scarring which can lead to partial or full vision loss. These side effects rarely occur, and ophthalmologists will always make sure that candidates are ideal for the LASIK procedure. Hope the information helps you folks.
Blind as a BAT!!!! This guy must be blind as a bat.......this is a CHEVY / GMC truck forum not a eye surgery site.......I have some of those symptoms but its not from lasik eye surgery its from flash burn......hahaha Later, Leon
Love the trike, but it would have one less bump per front wheel revolution if the wheel were triangular instead of square.
Eye Surgery This is a good topic ! . I have crummy vision thanx to the J O B and me being mule headed My buddy underwent this and got rid of his terribly nearsightedness , he'd never really _seen_ anything farther than 10' away before... I'm interested but askeert , now I'm MORE askeert , I'll prolly wait untill I'm nearly blind before going , then it won't work anyways.....
Awesome, Gulfstream! That's awesome! I have a bike in mind that I'd love to build. I'll have to post a drawing of it~ see what you think. Ahhh, blurry vision... Isn't that the GOAL? At least on Friday/Saturday nights? Guess I'll go find HIS site now and post some dribble about a 52 G. Out of the blue... Completely unwanted...
Hey Nate, I had Lasik done a couple of years ago. It was definately an odd experience, but one of the best things I've ever done. I have had no side effects, and after wearing glasses for 25 years, really enjoy not having to. The whole deal takes literally about 10 minutes to do the procedure. No pain, just some irritation for a few days after. Kind of like swimming in too much chlorine. I saw 20/20 next day, and 20/10 a week later. I would do it again in a second.......mike
Were You : Nearsighted or farsighted before ? . I'm told it works out well for one but not so hot for the other .
Nate: I wore glasses or contacts since I was 10 for nearsightedness. At age 59 I could see well at about 6", but was blind as a bat without corrective lenses once I had to see past two feet or so. I had the Lasik surgery two years ago and am glad I did. I do wear drugstore reading glasses for close up work now, but my distance vision is super. The procedure is a bit "icky" though. Just thinking about what they are doing while you are lying there is wierd.
Nate, I was nearsighted. I could not recognize people across the room. Now I am 20/20. I am told that it is still possible down the road some people still may need reading glasses after the procedure. I think it is due to the way the lens changes, it is not correctable by the lasik. Don't quote me on that though. Some of the places will do a free exam to see if you qualify for the prcedure. Not everyone is a good candidate. Depends on a few factors. It's worth checking in to if you've considered it.....Mike
Thanx ! I'm farsighted as it turns out and I've been using bifocals for some years now . I must say , after having Kaiser use a big old needle to pick steel slivers out of my eye whilst I was wide awake , I'm more than a little bit skittish about this....
Nate, I have had metal removed 2 times from my eyes. The lasik is no worse. The place that did mine actually is happy to have people come watch a procedure. It really only takes like 10 minutes. The lasik is an odd experience, but you really don't see any of what they are doing. You might check into viewing a procedure just to get a feel for what they do. Everyone is different on what they can tolerate.....Mike