What is the most practical way to install power steering in my 1951 Chevy Truck? I am not looking for anything high end just the basics parts I can get from a junk yard. thanks
Welcome, John! A 51, eh? If you read these posts, you'll find out that we like pictures! Iffin you got any, we'd love to see what you're working on. As far as power steering goes, our host has all that you'd need. They would also walk you through it and stand behind what they sold you. Good luck with your quest!
The easiest is to use the tie rod with the hydraulic cylinder attached. Early cars like chevy's through 64, the ford granada/monarch, 4wd trucks, and corvettes up through the 70's used this system. If you can't find any, (you should--they're very common), then let me know. If your truck is not lowered and you don't use it where you could hang the hoses then it is a good set up that does drive nicely. If you are still running the 6 cyl I don't know if anyone makes an after market pump mounting bracket but some of the other guys might. The factory brackets are like hens teeth so we have been making our own.
Just to add to what Coilover said, If you can find a generator with the pump on the back. The power assist is a good way to go, there used to be a kit available for these old trucks. Chris