Steve - Nope - I'm rebuilding my brakes - front today. I just don't seem to understand how they finally "snap" on. I mangaged to get the job done, but had no idea how to "correctly" do it. It was a combination of prying, using my bench vise on the small ones, and luck, along with some cursing...I had some new ones and re-used some others, but it wasn't a very pretty operation and relied heavily on luck. Larry
I believe they are called "warped washers" and you remove and replace by bending half of it down and then it will slip out of the groove and come off.
Brakes You must have the other kind of brakes. I have the newer ones and all I had to do was sit on my butt in front of the brakes, hold the pin in with my big toe, position the spoing and with the funny locking cap held firmly in a vice grip give a quick push and turn. After about the 4th or 5th one I fugured it out. Hopefully they'll last for 20 years and by then I'll have forgotten the whole move and have to start over again>
bend the half thats not in the grove out more with pliers and they should slip out putting them back you slide the half you didnt bent int the grove and then bend the part sticking out by tapping with a screwdriver and hammer. mabee that made sense hope so any way i was borne and raised in spokane went to audubon havermale and north central I left spokane back about 30 years ago I may move back that way some day so hows your truck comming good luck