Trying to put things together that you didn't take apart sometimes leads to stupid questions. That is the case here. My truck has the hole for the antenna in the typical location, the passanger side cowl corner. I have a new antenna to put on, but I don't know where the wire gets routed into the interior. I figured it went out the little hole in the front of that corner piece and then through the firewall. Then I looked at a friends '65 GMC. His antenna is at the same place but the wire doesn't come out from under the cowl to the firewall. Now I'm lost. Help! Where does it go?
the panel that the antenna goes in, look under it down aways, between the firewall face and the hump that you mount the door hinges too. youll see a hole that will feed into the interior just below the top of the dash. id use a firewall grommet that will fit your cable to keep water out. i fiberglassed mine in because i shaved the antenna hole. the holes there i promise (unless its been filled)
when looking at the first picture you posted.... look at were the upper door hinge mounts to the body, follow the post down to were the two bolt holes are for the fender and upper sheet metal "that holds the antenna". as you look at the side of the post were the bolt holes are youll notice it bowes out towards the front of the truck, follow that bow inwards towards the body seam, right in that corner were the bow and body seam meets is were that antena cable hole is. i can see on yours it looks like maybe it was filled in at one time. looks like youll have to drill your own hole and use a firewall grommet in a place you find convenient to what you want to do.
On my 64, the cowl panel the the antenna mounts to has a hole at the front where the hood conceles it. The antenna wire runs through this hole then through the firewall next to the heater core housing. The hole I found was to the right of the core housing as you are facing it. Val
I think mine was like this. There is a hole in the cowl panel and several on the firewall which I have not identified their useage. I don't like the idea of the antenna wire taking this route though. I think I will drill a hole and mount like 66 KUSTOM sugested. Thanks guys!