I have one spare bench seat needs repostered tears with stuffing coming out,were are you located? let you have for $75.00 no shipping,let me know and Ill get pictures for you.
Any chance your old seat is still useable? Try Craigslist too, for listings near you. These trucks do still come through the wrecking yards in California occasionally, maybe in your area too.
I have a '62 Chevy pu seat and a '81 Chevy pu seat sitting in my shed. They sure look like they are the same to me... I have NOT checked the mounts though. You might want to check a later seat out. They are lots of them. I should have an extra seat in a few weeks. Salvaging what I can from a C60 (2 ton). Most of it interchanges with the PU I think. The transmission hump and front fenders are the big differences. Where are you located?? Someone from the forum may be nearby..
The bench seat I have is out of a 1966 3/4 ton chevy truck I parted out 2 years ago came new the truck it just needs redone.
Don't forget to look for 67-72 bench. I am almost certain that they are the same. Another option is to get one out of a 1999-2007. That way you have a shoulder belt built into the seat.
Give me couple of days Ill get you pictures of my bench seat. Hows the weather in Canada? Warm 60s here in Arkansas.
i have a spare also but it needs re done too. im in western ks. id take $50 for it. pick it up only it out of a 64 gmc 1/2 ton
Been thinking you might want to find someone closer to you,I could still take pictures of bench seat if you want pay shipping but I think shipping would probably kill the deal cost a butload of money to ship it to you from Arkansas to Canada. ..let me know what you think. thanks Morton