Anyone taken out their 3 speed column shift and have the part I'm looking for laying around the shop? My gear shift control upper support (potmetal) has an ear broken off , and I would like to replace it. I have attached some photos showing the damaged support. Thanks, Larry
How soon do you need it? I'm 2 weeks away from going to visit my mother. My '51 donor is up there and should still have one on it. If not, you could get one from our host.
If you get an aftermarket replacement, they need to be modified so that they will fit the column. Do this before you paint it.
Catalog Ken - Dang you're good with that catalog. I don't know how many times I've drifted thru it and never seen it. Maybe I rely on the table of contents too much? Thanks, Larry
Upper Shift Shaft Support Get a good used one , the re-pops suck beyond belief and will drive you crazy . Careful adjustment of the linkages no no more speed shifting p) will prevent future breakage.....
Used piece Larry, did you call AAR for a used one? I may even be by there sometime this week if needed. Can't imagine it would cost much if they have one. Bob
Hi, I have that part just sitting around. i replaced the entire column. Let me know if you need it. Tim
Ken, Do you have the whole shifter and linkage to the trans? I removed mine years ago and installed a universal floor shifter, but I want to go back to the original setup. Also, how much would you want for something like that?
The engine and trans were removed from the truck many moons ago, so I know the shifter linkage is not there. I'm thinking that the column shifter is still intact. Dang, I knew I should have taken more pics of it last time I was there.