What do you guys think about his one for a "rat rod". That is, fix the mechanicals and drive as is. The guy is about 5 miles from me and is asking $900. I know that sounds high to you Nate but you gotta remember, we don't have many still sitting around in the humidity of east Tennessee. I am sure I can talk him down a little.
Barn fresh? What you can see looks pretty good. Does it still run? It looks like a cow backed up to the front of it!
What about a G?? Hey, Gater~ there's a G in that lot! In the picture that shows your trucks rear end. I'd recognize that hood anywhere! Get the G! The 54's nice too~ you just need a new AD project, and that's all there is to that! Good luck with it.
Zig, The G has a fairly newly rebuilt motor but the body is shot. He wants $900 for it too. I think I would rather have a good body so I don't have to do a lot of body work and paint. He also has a second 54 Chev for $650 but the body on it is bad too. I will look at all of them at 5:30 tonight. Gater
Gater, that would be great for you-wouldn't have to worry about driving it or parking it anywhere ( not like your red beauty!). Go for it!
False alarm. I was very disappointed. The dash on the blue 54 was all cut up and the engine was questionable. Honestly though, if I hadn't been through one total restoration I probably would have bought it. The thing is, when I look at a potential project now I see it through eyes that have experienced what it is like to bring one back from too far gone. I would much rather find one that is in decent shape to start with even if I have to pay more. That way I can tinker as I drive instead of having to go through a lengthy rebuild where I have to steal time away from my family. When I can tinker and drive I can include the family. Old red is looking better all the time. Gater
Cheer up Gater! You'll find another sow's ear! And I bet when you're finished with it, it'll be another silk purse!
Too Bad ! As it looked O.K. to me ~ was the chopped up dash the only major thing ? that shouldn't be too tough to swap out entirely as you're a competent welder (unlike me) . I agree , being able to wheeze it around whilst you're tinkering up the small stuff , is critical to maintaining the fun aspect . Bummer , maybe he'll dump it cheaper in a couple weeks ? .
Gater, FYI, I just happen to have a complete extra '54 dash in great shape laying around if you are interested. Andy
Hey guys, I can't believe you found 3 in the same place! I had to get my 2 trucks from 350 miles apart. I've been here b 4 but I just got rid of my dial-up and got a real connection so now I don't have to wait so long to view stuff. Enjoy the discussion.
Hey Bilbo! Long time, no hear from! Go down to Harlingen. There's an AD at every bodyshop! When I was down at Port Mansfield last August, we took a day trip to El Progresso (for the food of course) and while in Harlingen, we musta seen no less than 10 AD's, from 1/2 ton to 2 ton. Don't be a stranger. Post some pics of those trucks, my friend!
Hey Ken, I think I'm gonna retire to Conroe area in a couple of years. We may need to get together. As for my trucks, one's a '50 Jimmy, and the other's a '52 Chevy. The Jimmy is, unfortunately, gonna have to be a donor... too much damage. Building the Chevy with my Father in Law, (My Dad lives 450 miles away in Gunbarrel City, Tx.) Thanks for the info about the Harlingen area. My friend, Dale Hicks, has a fishing place in Mansfield. And if you went there, you probably met Dale... Scuse my ignorance, but what does AD mean?
Bilbo, I believe that is Advance Design. I have heard earlier models called Art Deco and later models called Task Force. Nate, Overall the truck was in pretty poor shape. The guy actually had 4 trucks but was keeping one of them, a GMC. It was said really because a lot of butchering had been done to the one that he was keeping. There is nothing better than seeing the kind of handiwork that Coilover does but there is nothing worse than seeing some butcher with a torch attacking one of these beauties. Gater
I saw a AD on Ebay that had the dash replaced with a 59 or 60 chevy car. They just shortened it in the middle.
Orrrrr Yo, G! Hey, I also saw, somewhere, a feller had put the dash from a '52 Chevy car in one of these! It looked awesome! Hear that Gater? It's caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalling youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Dashboard Changes Just so ~ I once found , way out in the desert , a '49 Suburban , ex - U.S.A.F. that the boob had bought surplus and then welded in a Task Force dash , it looked O.K. but the project stalled there and by the time I found it 30 years later , it was just a fully stripped rust free body shell .
If the truck has all its sheetmetal and frame it is worth $900, if you are willing to do the work. I agree with Gater that having gone thru a restoration you don't look with "rose colored glasses" anymore. However it is important to remember we can build a truck from the ground up buying parts from vendors and that includes the dash.