Yes, I have started the wiring. I have been avoiding it for a long time as the mass of wires in the bag looked very daunting, but it is going better and easier than I thought. Coupla questions: My generator is pictured in the thumbnail. Which is the "A" terminal and which is the "F" terminal? The only marking on the generator is the terminal closest to the block is stamped with what looks like an "I". I forgot what I am supposed to do with the brandy new voltage regulator. Something about putting a hot lead to one of the terminals before it is used for the first time??? I know Nate spoke about this and could have sworn I printed the thread out to put in my binder for future use, but I can't find it. I found it, never mind about polarizing the genny BTW speaking about future use, I printed and filed much of the thread on brake systems months ago where Nate talked about how to bleed a master cylinder in the truck eliminating the need and mess of bench bleeding. I can't believe how well it really worked. Gotta love those old farm mechanics. As usual, his advice was right on the money. Andy
Andy, IIRC the posts should be different sizes, the armature post being the largest. The wires coming from your harness should be different sizes too. 16 ga and 10 ga. The larger wire goes to the armature, the smaller wire to the field post. I'm pretty sure that the armature post is the one closest to the block. With all that said, DO NOT HOOK IT UP THAT WAY UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE VERIFIES IT HERE. I don't want to be responsible for you turning your generator into a toaster/oven.
Yeah Ken, that's what I thought too, but it doesn't appear that the posts are differnet sizes, although the wires are. Guess I'll hafta take off the nuts on the posts and have a look-see. Hoping someone else will tell me what is the right way on this. sure would be helpfull if'n the darn thing was marked with an "A" and an "F". Andy
Generators My gen looks just like yours. 1952, 6 volt. Terminal "A" takes a large black wire and is closest to the block. Terminal "F" has a small blue wire and is on the outside. If your using a CP harness, wire number for A is 11, wire number for F is 24. A"s wire goes from the generator to the center terminal of the voltage reg, F's wire goes from the gen to the outside (field) terminal of the voltage reg.
See Now ? You guys don't really need me at all Good deal Andy ! remember : replace the firewall grommet NOW as this is the only time you can .
Firewall grommet already replaced. Hardest part was threading all the dash light sockets through it. Thanks everyone, Andy