Nope, not for any cars or trucks but for changing oil on my lawn mower. One of the dirty dogs at the shop snapped a pix and now the big air cooled engine shop has it on the bulletin board with the caption; "If you don't have a 20,000# forklift let us change the oil and give your mower a spring tune up". Of course no one will notice that the hole in my head has already been in the Texas sun too long this spring.
Evan, You're famous right here! Not only for your results (which are beautiful) but also for your sharing of knowledge and ideas-- it's guys like you, Nate, Dave and all the others who chip in that makes this site so much fun and such a great site for info. Thank all of you.
Evan, I think you should advertise that lawn mower lift in Hemmings along with all the other lifts that are advertised there. Seriously, you're famous with all of us. I wish you weren't so far away. I would be taking you up on the offer to "come on by" that you extended to us a while back. Problem is, I'd be making a pest out of myself and eagerly waiting to be asked to "help out". Been looking into some adult ed. classes for me and the kids to take together on body work, but I think it would probably be a whole lot more fun to learn it in Texas. BTW, I have a "special" little hat that willl fit your shiny spot on the top of your head. A lot of the jewish folk around here wear them on Saturdays Andy
It's O.K. Evan...... You're still INfamous here........ I see nothing wrong with using the forklift as a hoist , as long as the OSHA guys aren't snooping about
Really, Evan... I didn't see that the parking brake was set on that mower of yours... So, if that's what you use to change the oil on a lawn mower, when do we get to see what you use on your own car? I'm afraid to ask what THAT is. As everyone else has mentioned, you are already famous in our eyes!