My 52 Chevrolet pickup (3100) sticks in third gear and if you don't shift out of third brfore coming to a stop, it's almost impossible to ge it out of gear. The shifter vibrates when you try and shift out of third too. I have readjusted the shifter and shift rods on the steering column. Any ideas? Thanks.
Hi there Durango, Have you rebuilt the shifter box on the column in the engine compartment? You mentioned adjustment but not rebuilding. There are a lot of posts on this subject. You can search the archives for them and get some good answers. I'm just stabbing in the dark from memory. I have a 4-speed in my truck. Good luck. Oh yeah!!! Welcome to the nut house. You may not know the "rules" so I'll fill you in...we like PICTURES and we like to know your name so please sign your next post with it and post some pics of your truck. This is a great forum with great people and even better advice. Welcome. Andy
Sticky trans Thanks - I downloaded a photo to my logon, but I'm not sure how to get it on the posts. Richard
Sweet ride, Richard! I see the Tennessee tag. From the looks of the surroundings I would say middle Tenn. Am I right? I am in Kingsport. Welcome to the forum. Gater
Your syncronizer drum may be worn. It has a thin ring at the front that your 2nd and 3rd shift fork fits onto and both it and the fork get worn pretty badly. Also has a bronze ring that wears but this usually causes grinding from 2-3 rather than sticking. The synco drums are getting pricey and a good used trans may be the way to go. Steet rodders throw the old closed driveshaft 3 speeds in the iron pile so one should be easy to find and reasonable in price.