Went to the Greenville, Texas, swap meet this PM. It's quite small, maybe 250 or so spaces and a small car show but being in Texas pickups are always a top draw. Maybe a dozen AD's but the pics are of the GMC's. The green and white one is super nice and the one with the late model bed looks weird. The 41-46 would be great starting material.
Evan, I'm blushing! Those are some fun, ...and I might add~ BEautiful, projects. But we all know, if they ended up in your stables, you'd kick their butts right into the "killer" zone! I've been looking at my front fenderless G, Evan. I'm wondering if you paneled the sides from the hood straight down, and made a custom grill- left the I-beam with wide whites sticking out... I bet that would be one heck of a cool looking rod, no? I'm thinking I'll have to sketch it out... Anyway, thanks for the pictures! "G" they're GREAT!
Zig, here's a custom grille for you! This one wouldn't take too many mods either! BTW, I went to our local show and shine last night and saw a killer '52 GMC 450 diesel. Awesome!
Nice ! . It's good to know there are places in America that still understand the finer things in life....
Even, On the big boys there were often marker sticks with reflecters high enough to be seen from the driver's seat--- meant to help you judge where the ends of the bumpers were.
Evan, On the big boys there were often marker sticks with reflecters high enough to be seen from the driver's seat--- meant to help you judge where the ends of the bumpers were.
Also , on road bulding trucks or trucks with overwidth loads , red flags were inserted.... We have an old CalTrans sprinkler serice bed truck , it has flag holders on the back of the bed.... 1979 model .