Hi, i'm french and news here, i need help for my Yellow 1950 chevy , my problem is that id like to change my Door Hinge Springs and i already tried to change them cause there are broken , i tried to take off the door but maybe its not the solution or is the a specific technical things to do to put this new one ?? to change them do i have to take of the Door Hinge by cutting it , put the new springs and then change the door hinge after? Thanks and sorry for my poor english.
Previous thread Cramp - I started a thread titled "Door hold open springs" - enter that in "search"- there was some good info there. Larry
hi, thank you much i looked and i found what i was looking for .thanks, and in fact i think i will buy 2 new complete i will be faster an better , because my doors don't close well, so i hope that with 2 news complete it will be better . if not, i 'll be sure that the probleme don' t come from hinges broken . Thank . John.
AD Door Alignment Hi John ; WELCOME ! (to the Manicomio ) You'll find that these trucks made from 1947 ~ 1955 were poorly jigged up when the cab was welded so if you adjust the doors to close well , they won't align correctly on the beltline ~ the passenger side door is always the worst one and often has a large gap between it and the windshield pillar (called an " A Pillar " in The Auto Trade) so don't be upset by this , just adjust the door and the latch striker to close well so it'll be safe .
Hi, thank for the information that's right that there is A PILLAR ;-) , but i don't care , all i want for the moment is that the door close well, that's why i hope by buying new hinges it will close well, my doors near the latch are too down, i suppose my hold hinge ,are not straight anymore , I hesitate buy new hinge it"s a little bit expensive but if it's close well !! Does anybody already bought something to ""Bowtie Bits Antique Truck part" , cause i send them a mail for a question and they didin't anwer, i week ago, i don't know is they are serious , i tried to find the hinges somewhere else but i didn't find, if somebody know where i can"t find it in an on line shop , if you can tel me it would help. THanks ;-) John
John, I understand your fraustration! Question is. Are you wanting to go back as original as you can or would you rather do something that is a safer alternative to original. If you're building a mild custom, look into "bear claw" door closures. They are a really great alternative to the originals. There are a lot of folks here that can give you some sound advise about them. If you want the original look, hinges, repops or reworked can be a problem. I was lucky, in that my truck was a well maintained farm truck with no major wrecks, and everything fit back together. My doors fit better than my '01 Tahoe and I'm happy with the original stuff. I've heard both good and bad about Bowtie Bits. The biggest negative is their response time at getting back to the customer that has questions. Try our host (best customer service that I have experienced, secondly, Jim Carter). Best of luck. Hope this lengthy diatribe helped!
Hinges I bought new pins, bushings and springs from CP and intend to rebuild the hinges on my doors before I get the truck painted. I did see however that "Chevs of the 40's" sell new hinges. Not cheap (If I remember right they were about $150/side)
Heres a link that might help its go photos to help explain as well Regards Gerald http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/basics-basics-rebuilding-hinges-125350.html#post869693