Hello, I'm a pick-up ('69) owner living in Europe, the Netherlands. Because I've made a (typing) mistake during ordering on-line, I tried to contact Classic Parts through e-mail. But I've got the mail back, undeliverable, was the message. Is the mail address correct? customerservice@classicparts.com is the mail address I've used. I hope you (the administrator...) can help me... Thanks.
Yes, customerservice@classicparts.com is the correct address. Are you sure you typed it correctly when you sent the e-mail? If so, post here (or send me via private message) the entire error message that you received when you tried to send the e-mail, and we'll try to find out what the problem is.
Hi Nick, thanks for answering so fast. I have send you a private message. Hope to read soon of you. Thanks again. Ad B
Hi, I've replied to your private message. I hope it answers your questions, but if not then please let me know. Thanks!
Hi Nick, thanks for your help. Your college of international orders has it under control now. So, it will work fine now. It feels good and nice to get help in this way ... and sóóóó fast... Best regards Ad B