June 21 & 22 Biloxi, Ms.($40.00) a person go to www.truckinweb.com for more information on show look in under events look for scrapinthecoast on the page..lots of air riders here!! 283 man and familys checking this one out!
You guys might also be interested in Cruisin' the Coast. It occurs on the first full week of October. Here's the link to it- http://www.cruisinthecoast.com/
Thats good .. too,Only gettig go to first one( Scrapin the Coast) visiting also with buddy 62 short step in La. that weekend mini vac. for our family ..
Nuthin' wrong with that. Maybe next year. I probably won't be able to make it to CTC this year either.
Hey Jermey and family youll are invited to tag along with us on the Sat. of 'Scapin the Coast' we would ejoy spending time with youll...