When I started my truck the other day, i noticed that there was smoke coming from the "ignition Resistor". I just replaced it, as well as the starter, coil, condenser, points, rotor cap. My old ignition resistor did not smoke. I hooked it up the same was as the old one. Am i missing something? I have a wire from my + of my coil to the ignition resistor, which is mounted on my engine. then it goes to my rotor, like the side of it. My question is, do i have it wired incorrect? Should I have the resistor touching the block? My truck is converted over to a 12 V Alternator which i assume is Neg ground. It started and ran fine, I just noticed it was smokin, is it just breaking in?
Wolf, you said that the coil is new. Is it an "internal" resistance coil? If so, you do not need the ignition resistor.
I don't know if it has an internal resistor. This is the coil that I bought: http://www.classicparts.com/prodinfo.asp?number=83-270 How do i know if it is an internal resistor coil?
Burn. baby Burn... Brian, you remind me of ... ...me. A 52 G 3/4 ton, Feelin' the love for it but not knowing how to love it back... I've asked a BUNCH of these guys. You might spend some time reading my posts. I haven't gone 2 volt yet, but I've asked a LOT. Even how to tune the MIGHTY L-O-N-G block! (These Chevy guys only wish they had our blocks...) Anyway, ask away. I might find an answer to something I haven't got around to asking!
You don't say in your post that you are running anything but an original "stomp starter", so assuming you are look here for the safe way to put a ballast resistor in a truck with a 12 volt system and a foot starter. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=6884&highlight=ballast&page=2 Smoke is NOT normal in any condition, except maybe coming out of your truck's tailpipe. And once smoke gets out of your electrics it is reeal hard to get it put back in.
I have a new starter, it is designed for a 12 volt system. It is an original stomp style. I will try to get some pics of this tonight, and get a wiring diagram to better show what i am talkin bout. the ballast resistor is my ignition resistor? that i have mounted to my block?
Brian, if you look real close at the picture that you posted, it says on the coil itself, that it is "12 v use with primary resistance wire or external resistor". Did the one you got have that kind of writing on it? If so, it does not have an internal resistor in it.
The resistor goes in line between the coil power source and the coil. The wire from the coil (-) goes to the trigger wire on the distributor. So, it should go .....power wire-resistor-coil(+)-coil(-)- distributor.
Eh? what " rotor " ? . -Nate Yeah sorry bout that, i meant to type my distributor. Ol'chebby: I will get a good look at it tonight. I couldnt last nite, due to the weather. I pretty sure that it is the exact one from the picture. I will get a pic tonight ,weather permitting, of my set up. Thanks for the help.
Ok here are some pics IMG2901 Shows the coil, ignition resistor, and distributor. The (+) terminal on the coil is on the left side, the side closest to the firewall. This wire on the (+) terminal is coming from the key switch i believe. The (-) on the coil goes to the ignition resistor, then to the distributor. This is how it was wired previously. I just replace the coil, and the resistor. The coil states on there that it is NOT internally resisted. My truck started, and ran with it wired this way. My uncle was with me and he saw smoke coming from the resistor. Ol'chebby: Should I wire it up the way that you suggested even though that it ran that way? Also it has been converted from the 6volt + ground to an alternator, with 12V - ground. Any suggestions... B
I've never seen a coil wired like that before. The reason for the resistor is to drop the voltage to around 8 volts. Resistor should be on the + side of the coil. Chris
I agree with Chris, the resistor should be between the + side of the coil and 12V. The wire from coil - should go directly to the points. IF it proves hard to start then you need to work on a bypass circuit like the one I originally pointed you at.
Right ! This is what I'd thought you desgribed in your original post ~ it is wrong , fix it as described .
Many thanks To All: Thanks for the quick reply. I will wire it up the correct way this weekend. I wonder how or why it worked that way before? Oh well I will let ya know how it turns out! b