Hi Guys. I went to change the rear axle bearings and seals and when I removed the lock bolt from the pinion retaining shaft, (hope Ive used the correct terminology), the bolt unscrewed, but I only brought out about 3/4 inch. The rest remains in the housing. What now?
The bolt broke right at the end of the threads, i.e. all the threaded part appears to have come out and left the smooth part behind...
If you have an integral rear end, (which I do), you can get a kit for extracting the broken bolt. It worked like a charm for me. Matco makes one but I did a google search and found these sites have them too. Prices vary, but they are the same kit. It's called a Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Bolt Extractor Kit. www.fabbriassociates.com, www.etoolcart.com, www.skywaytools.com
If your lucky you can get it out with a magnet. Ive had a few break off and was able to get it out with out to much trouble. Chris