Front end algnment

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by jason6101188, May 3, 2008.

  1. jason6101188

    jason6101188 Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    g5riffith US
    I have a 50 gmc and my dad started working on it took the whole front end a part. And i am trying to get the fenders and hood aligned to paint it. I found a raditor support rubber shim and the hood looks good on the cowl but the fenders look like they are in to far on when the hood goes down. And there is a gap between where the hood and fenders meet. Is the any shims in between the fenders and the raditor support. So the hood sits down all the way. And is there any thing esle i should know because i didnt take it a part.
  2. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    I wonder if something you're using up front is Chevy? (instead of GMC) With my peebrain, I'd have to see some pictures to be able to give bad advice.:rolleyes: I believe there are some rubber bumpers that go along the under edge of the hood. Nate also mentioned a while back that the hood can adjust from inside the cab, but this was a last ditch effort thing. Anyway, I admire you taking this challenge on! I'd a hated for some one to give me all the parts and say "put it together"- without ever taking it apart.:eek:

    Oh, Ken... (see, he just put his back together AND helped TB'SD put the front on their ride... 'course there's Evan too...:D)
  3. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Here is how we get them to have an acceptable fit. First we take off all the attaching hardware like hinges and latches. Next, the hood itself has minimum adjustment capability so we set it on the cowl with the hood lacing in place; it may need spread out or pulled in at the back. Eyeball down each side to see if the flange that mates to the fender is smooth, no bulges, and the same on both sides. Now we MAKE the fenders and the top of the grill area fit the hood. As you hold each component up to the hood you can see where it needs work to give the desired gap. Finally, after you are satisfied, start putting the hinges and latch back on; if any of these cause a misalignment then it is in that part and can be dealt with. We like to do this before the engine is in place so one of the smaller guys can be inside the engine bay with a light to help locate trouble spots. Of course after all is fitted we set the front clip back off to complete all the engine hook-up, wiring that's not attached to the fenders, etc. Lastly, remember what Nate said that "coachwork" and "AD" can't be found in the same dictionary--they were WORK TRUCKS. Here is about as close as one can fit the GMC hood and have the factory rubber hood bumpers.

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  4. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Why hoods are open at Car Shows

    Now we can all explain without any shame why we gleefully throw our hoods open as soon as we get to the car show!

    I had a bunch of trouble with my hood rubbing on th driver side at the very front where it meets the fender. I finally overcame this by shimming the radiator frame away from the fender just a bit, worked like a charm.

    I still open my hood before anyone gets to close.

    Enjoy, and good luck with your AD bonnett!


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  5. Bilbo

    Bilbo Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    Magnolia, Texas
    I picked up on the reference to using Chevy parts on the Jimmy... Fenders the same on both (except the park lights on GMC) ? And, can the GMC grille be used with Chevy fenders? Don't wanna get you off track on the original question.. well, maybe just a little. ;o)
  6. Bilbo

    Bilbo Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    Magnolia, Texas
    BTW, Nice trucks Jim and Evan. I hope mine looks close to that good when done.
  7. jason6101188

    jason6101188 Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    g5riffith US
    front end alignment

    The gap is very big and I think the problem is that the raditor support is to low to fill the gap. The rear of the fenders can go up but the support wont let it. But i am just guessing.

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  8. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Getting lucky

    I'm no body man, but my hood fit a lot like yours and I worked with the hinges until I nearly blew up. I already had my AC unit in the way, this was tough work.

    I finally went to the front of the truck where the hood was tight, and shimmed the fenders away from either side of the radiator support.

    This enabled me to slip the hood back just a bit farther on the cowl, and down a bit. Then I slotted the the bolt holes that guide the hood latch pin and this forces the hood to center just as it snaps closed.

    Looks good enough for backyard work, Evan probably just spewed his lunch.

    My hood fits tight, looks decent, does not shake at speed, there is a larger gap on the passenger side, but it is an AD truck. this gap is to remind persnickity lookers that my wife, kid, friends and I built it in my old garage behind the house.

    Put your truck together, then start working with the panels, you will be surprised how much "shimming" you can get away with on your stovebolt.

    Just don't lose your patience.


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  9. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Just in case you spewed, Evan~ that is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l G you did!

    Jim~ Great work!:cool:
  10. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Guys, over half a century ago when I was a teen, who of course knew everything, I made fun of a very crude sprint car. The man for whom I worked on his car for was a absolute genius in all things automotive and respected by all plus his cars were always kick butt. Unlike the loud mouth teen, he took me aside and quietly said that instead of saying derogatory things I should look very closely at even the most primitive cars and I would likely find maybe just one thing that was a very good idea to put in the memory bank. I was chastized and have tried to follow this advice to this day. I have learned many things by listening, reading, and watching. There are no projects that one should feel any embarrassment over, the shame is for those who don't try. Off the soap box now and one last tip for Jason, set the front clip off the truck and onto the floor; then see if the hood will fit the fenders. You might have to tie the rear of the fenders with some wire to keep them from spreading. If it fits, then it is in adjustment. Good luck
  11. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Standards vs. "good enough"

    Thanks Bilbob, and Ziggy.

    Evan, I surely did not mean to infer that you might in any way feel anything derogatory about the way other folks get their work done. you and the other proven professionals on this site carry the ball for the many of us who need your advice often.

    I was only pulling at your better nature because i knew I was explaining how i accomplished a task with no guidance, or experience whatsoever. I just got lucky with my hood after fighting it for months.

    I do appreciate your willingness to review less than professional work. We really like our AD trucks. you guys make this site worth visiting.


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  12. jason6101188

    jason6101188 Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    g5riffith US
    If i grab the fenders by the wheel opening and lift it up the gap closes and if i shim the inner fender and between the radiator support it would be an inch of shims or more. Now i am confuzed
  13. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Jason, it's all "hit or miss"!

    There are so many moving parts to getting the front cap to line up right that it is mind boggling! That is why you'll never see a round hole on one of these trucks. The radiator support is key. It can skew (or screw up) everything. Never simply throw it on and tighten the bolts. The fender alignment relies on the placement. The hood depends on how the fenders are hung. Your best bet is to mock up the front cap leaving the bolts snug, but workable and adjust as you go. You can get some less "bow" in the hood with the adjustor located at the back of the hood. Fender placement can be acheived via the adjustable rods extending from the firewall to the inner fender panels. Work slowly and deliberately. It is a good idea, no, actually an unwritten rule that you do this before you paint it, so that you don't go through the agony of trying to make these parts fit after you've paid someone megabucks for a good paint job. After you've done that, scribe the critical areas with an awl or pick for reassembly and go from there.

    Each step might gain you an eighth of an inch here, a sixteenth there, etc, etc.

    Hope this helps! Evan, help me out here!
  14. jason6101188

    jason6101188 Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    g5riffith US
    Still cant get it

    I still cant get it to line up right on the driver side the hood wont come away from the cowl enought to close the gap. I am about to quiet. One more question what does the plate do on the back of the hood with the screws does that spread the to halfs of the hood away and together and how do u adjust it.
  15. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia

    don't get discouraged. I am also having trouble getting mine to line up well. First, I took off the springs because they were holding the hood up too far. Then after putting on the lower hood latch plate, I had to put them back in. Then, the pin was too short and I had to unscrew it a lot. Then I had to unscrew the lower latch plate from the panel and shim it with washers. Now, the hood closes, but doesn't line up well with way too much gap. In the midst of all this, there have been countless adjustments made to the hinges, tweaking the edge of the hood where it meets the fenders, etc. It's a real bear to get it to fit right, no lie. Keep at it. Mine's a driver/work truck so I don't really care if it doesn't fit well, as long as it latches and the hood doesn't fly open at speed, but I will keep trying to get it to fit better 'till I'm happy with it.


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