Truck is insured and going to be registered tomorrow. Slapped the original windshield in as best I could tonight (cracked it in the process, but no worries I have a new one). Couldn't resist and took it for a drive down the road a coupla minutes ago. I live on a main road and it was totally illegal, but what the heck. Didn't get more than a quarter mile and I see a cop looking right at me as he was pulling out from checking out the strip mall down the street. He sped off thank God. Got the truck up to forty MPH and loved every second of it. Turned it around and came home. Did it about four more times as there was nobody on the road at this hour. Too cool. all kinds of neat smells coming from the engine as it was the first time in about 6 years it actually drove more than 5 MPH in my driveway. runs strong and pulls great. A little bumpy cause the shocks aren't in it yet, but man what fun. Plan on cruising quite a bit tomorrow after the plates are on it. Bringing my brake adjusting tool with me naturally as they pull a little to the left. Also found out that the steering is a little loose. Will have to address that next. Andy
Alrighty then! Good deal Andy! I know what you mean about smelling strange things. Like the smell of a freshly painted exhaust manifold! That took some years off of my life a couple of weeks ago when I fired mine up for the first time! They are a dream to drive for sure! Can't wait to see some pictures of the kids with their new jalopy! Ken
Go for it! Andy, I can see the smile, ear to ear. Nothing (ok, maybe one things) feels better than taking it out and cruisen down the road after all of that hard work! Congrats!
I can remember when I took Thunder around the block for the first time after having it apart for over two years. What a great feeling! Like Steve said, one of the most fun things a man might get a chance to do. Happy Cruise'n Andy, by the way, the bed wood looks great. Jim
You da man Thanks Jim, And thanks for all your help with the bed assembly. We could not have done it without you. Lots of work left to do on the truck which is fine. Let the kids do it, but NOW it's on the road and we can have some FUN with it while finishing it. Andy