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I agree Great story everyone should read! I already told my kids they will have to fight over the truck when I die
Steve, I have four kids that are ALREADY fighting over the truck. My intention is to build THREE MORE while I'm ALIVE. Really nice guy down the street from me has a '54 5-window that "ran when he parked it" a couple of years ago. He wants 2K for it. He's taking the Unison seat out of it and the bed is in pieces under a tarp in his yard. Has a later 235 in it with chopped core support and trimmed lower hood latch panel. Actually the chopping was very clean and looks to have been done by somebody that was not a "backyard butcher". I'm going to go back and have another look next week and see if the engine turns. If it's free, I'll probably make him an offer as I promised the boys that they were going to do ALL the work on the next truck and this truck stuff keeps me (and them) out of trouble. Andy
totaly cool! you the man! Reminds me of the time I stole my own car back from the tow impound lot - quite easily actually - just wait for them to open the gate when they drive in a new catch. (since I still had the keys) Thought I had completely gotten away with it until I finally got home and my roomate was missing. He finally showed up saying two big guys in a black car made him go to the ATM and give them $75 - and he did it!!! He said they thought he was me and they would not take no for an answer - he said he thought he was doing me a favor - I told him never to do me any more favors! That story was well worth the $75 I had to pay him back!