hello I am in need of various truck parts for a 1960 chevrolet short wheelbase truck.. Currently need doors,seat,various other interior pieces and I need most of all a bed in good to decent condition I dont have one but the sooner I can get one the sooner I can get down and dirty with the grinder and start some real work........ remember also keep me in mind for about everything else send me a email to generalmotor@excite.com with any extra parts you wanna get rid of maybe I might need them never know..........
i hava friend that has some on his land i think he might have what your looking for i think he has 5 trucks of that year
call Donnie pics and phone# can ship too http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/G_MA...r_grill_bumper_trunk_lid_seats_dash_parts_rar