AD Toolboxes

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Thunder54, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Just cleaned out my tool box today. I carry a spare fuel pump for my 235, and a spare U-joint for my torque tube, some brake fluid, engine and tranny oil. Appropriate for waht I might need. My tire tools are under my seat.

    I quit carrying a spare dizzy set-up when i converted to Pertronix, I often wonder if I should carry a spare ignition?

    SWMBO and I don't ever get too far from home, but often up to 100 miles or so, and i always like to get home on my own.

    I suspect we can always count on cell phones and piggy back tow trucks to get us home when we can't make it on our own.

    Just wondering what you all carry in your "possibles pouch"? What kind of tool boxes do you have in your driver ADs?


    Attached Files:

  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I guess I am an optimist. I haven't even carried a spare tire for the last 10 years of daily driving. I don't drive far on a daily basis, but do an occasional 200-300 mile round trip.

    I've had two "failures to get home" in the 18 years of driving my truck. The scarey one was when I broke the steering arm (attaches the drag link to the spindle). Steering wheel then does no good at all. Luckily happened as I was making a turn from a dead stop.

    The second failure was a few months after I had replaced the distributor with a junkyard HEI. Had to replace the module.
  3. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Neat tool box

    Now that I saw Thunders, I have another project to take on once everything else is done:D I'm also an optimist but I do believe in Murphy:eek: So far I have emased a spare belt and hoses, and starter. Have been surfing the net for a spare generator and tried to buy a new "glass" fuel pump but they were on back-order. Will eventually get one and use the plain fuel pump for a spare. I also have all the normal spare dristributor parts but plan also on going electronic soon. Havn't figured out what tools to cary yet, I think I'll split up some of my collection once I get a box built:rolleyes:
  4. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    I guess if we really know our trucks well, they will get us home. I welded together a set of points in an interesction about 6 blocks from the house a couple of years ago.

    Pushed the truck home, ordered the pertronix set-up the same day. No more ignition trouble.

    Most everything else seems to give fair warning, but you have to listen to our truck.

    Like something out of tune in the orchestra. Then figure it out before it breaks. Sometimes we just get lucky.

  5. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Thunders toolbox


    Thunders toolbox is an authentic 1942 United States Trunk (G I issue). I picked it up at an estate sale for a few bucks, plywood and metal, all original except I Minwaxed it so it would hold up.

    I had a plastic tool box, but it just didn't fit the "motif', not old enough.

  6. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    My toolbox?

    A good cellphone with everyone on this forum's phone number. "PM" me with yours, ya'll!:D
  7. slugbug

    slugbug Member

    Sep 6, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Just a note on the Pertronix set up...

    I've had one for about 10 years now. I had one failure, and if you are using a used distributor (aren't they all?!) you should just be aware of it and check every so-often.

    Anyway, on mine the clearance for the magnet ring to pickup got a little too close one time. Mostly because I didn't ever look at it once installed. Over time it kept getting closer closer. The end result wasn't catastrophic, but basically they ended up touching...and when they touch they don't fire the engine. I was left stranded in a parking lot...and it took me almost 2 hours to figure that one out. Mostly due to during cranking it wouldn't fire, but as soon as you let off the key it would cause just enough clearance to fire. Baffled me for the longest time!

    Just a thought...

  8. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Thanks for the pertronix tip Andy.


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