I was curious if anyone on here has had any luck with paint on wide white walls. I found on ebay where they do sell, but I get the feeling it should be something I can buy off the shelf locally. I also saw a post on another site of some guy that sells it outside the USA, but looks too much like an INFO-MERCIAL, so that makes me leary. I was thinking that maybe the white paint they use on roads for stripes and center line dashes might be the correct type (asphalt is not tire rubber, but in my mind they might be close enough). Any one with experience with these products or know if I can buy something at my local paint or home improvement store? Thanks!
no, not the Iceland guy Thanks Shank - but the guy from Iceland was the guy outside the USA I was refering too. I have already seen that forum thread. I am leary of this guy unless someone out there has a personal recommendation from him. Thanks.
Lots of guys use rustoleum. Oil based paint stays fairly flexible, multiple layers may build up and crack. Clean your tires very well and remove all silicone to prevent browning.
Paint on Rubber...I dont know..I am a painter, not a body man painter..But a Paint contractor (in the Middle of a resto)..With all do respect to Ol Chebby..Oil Based on Rubber drys hard and over time will crack when it is completly cured...I would try a good acrylic latex, but use a rattle can primer called Zinn Zerr latex primer..Blue and White can sold at most big box improvment centers..Then I would stick to a good Latex for the reasons stated. They do have a rustolium latex used for plastic Lawn furniture..I guess what I am saying go latex so it can contact and expand..If you ever have to remove the paint to repaint use Denatured Alcahol..That will take it off to start new...
oh ya...the road paint is a high alcahol based product so it dries very Quickly..but i have never used it...I guess your tires are going to be the Guinne pigs for us...
Try this I did a Google search for Porta-wall and about the 4th item down was a link to an e-Bay site came up for whitewall tire paint. Might be worth checking out.