58 chevy stepside

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by meyer21, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. meyer21

    meyer21 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
    Saranac Lake United States
    I'm very new to truck restoration and the whole process, so I'm stuck on a couple things. My 1958 Chevy stepside, came without a seat when I bought it, and I have looked in a bunch of parts catologues etc. and couldn't find an original replacement bench seat anywhere. So I'm looking for one in decent condition, at least a good frame if nothing else. If no one has one, where can I find one? I also haven't seen anyone else that has this problem. Can anyone explain what's going on? Also, the wiring in the whole truck is pretty bad, and needs replacing. I'm going to try and replace it myself, and I already have the wiring harness with little or no instruction. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions that might help me do this by myself? Thanks for the help.
  2. 58 chevy

    58 chevy Guest

    We (Chevy Duty) carry a replacment bench seat for that truck, it is part # 28-906- it is a updated version which is now contoured for your comfort

    Either you can do that or go to a salvage yard and get one there- where about's are you located?

    Jesse Hazell Chevy Duty Tech.
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I have the seat I removed from my '57 GMC a few years ago. I am about 30 miles north of Houston. If you are im the area you are welcome to it, but it would be a real pain in the a$$ to ship.
  4. DrMike

    DrMike Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Welcome to the forum. We will all try to help you out when we can. That is what the forum is all about. I just finished re-wiring my 58 and will have it back on the road soon. Why don't you e-mail me with your specific questions and maybe I can help. E-mail me at: KG6PTF@Yahoo.com

  5. Contrinador

    Contrinador Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    You should get yourself a shop manual. It includes a wiring diagram and will save you a ton of time while working on your truck. All the parts places sell them and occasionaly a less expenise one can be found on e-bay. Good Luck.
  6. meyer21

    meyer21 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
    Saranac Lake United States
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I've seen the contour seat and it looks like a good replacement, but I would like to keep the truck as original as possible and so would like to find an original seat. To Bill Hanlon near Houston, if I lived a little closer I would definitely buy the seat you have but I live in way upstate New York, by Lake Placid, so driving there and getting it is out of the question and shipping it would be a huge pain like you said, but thanks a lot for the offer. I'll keep looking around and maybe something will turn up. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.

  7. HICKL

    HICKL Member

    Jul 13, 2005
    Conroe USA
    Sorry to jump in this thread, but Bill, where are you located. I am in Conroe Texas and building a 55 1/2 and need a seat. E-mail me at jeffhickl@earthlink.net or call me 281-572-2420

    Jeff Hickl
  8. steve

    steve Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hey Guys,

    I shipped a bench seat from Virginia to CA buy UPS, they raped it in bubble rap, the seat was trash just the rusted frame. $75.00 to me that was a good deal, I sold the bench seat frame for 125.00 plus shipping. To some people it's worth the cost of shipping. You would think California would have plenty of good used seat frames. I also had shipped to me, a large window cab, i purchase for $500, and privet shipping firm delivered to me for $600.00 the wife said I was NUTS!

    I remember going to the junkyard with my dad, parts were cheap, now days you go and ask for some part older they dirt and the price starts at $75.00. Thank god for the Internet and that dam e-Bay, I have purchase 75% from Chevy Duty, nice items, good prices.

    As for the wiring I have some information I could fax you or send indicating color-coded, if your wire harness is original colors?
  9. longbigandred

    longbigandred Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    Rockwood USA
    I have the seat out of my 58 I use it for resting in the garage when working but I don't do that much any more I live in Knoxville,Tn you are welcome to come get it, I can send pictures if interested My e-mail address is as follows bgibson@nzs.net
  10. longbigandred

    longbigandred Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    Rockwood USA
    That e-mail address is bgibson@nxs.net

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