I have a 53 Chevy pickup with a 4 speed Granny shifter, it is loose and kinda flops around, (side to side, not up and down) I see two 'pins' on the side of shifter at the bottom that seem to be loose, can you tell me a 'fix' ? Thanks Bill Buci99@aol.com
Welcome, Bill! Sorry~ no info until you post pictures of your ride! I'm getting ready to remove my shifter lever so I can roll my cab onto its backside. Had I done that already, I could tell you what you need to know. However- I am sure you'll have an answer by day's end!
The pins are loose in the cast iron tranny lid ? that's bad , you might try tapping them back into place with a ball pien hammer or post pix here so's we can get a clear idea of what's amiss .
Pins No, these pins are on the side of the ' dome ' where the shifter meets the tranny, above floorboard
What I Did that worked see attached photos. After messing with the really sloppy rivits in the top of my sm420 for quite some time, my friend KC suggested we take the top off the tranny and he took it hom to his machine shop. This guy has real talent, but he likes to keep things simple. A couple of days later, he returned with my tranny lid. He had cut our the old rivits, tapped the rivit holes, threaded in two short stove bolts, and cut the heads off of these. Then he in stalled back-up nuts on the outside to lock these in place. You can have the unthreaded smooth surface inside by using a short bolt with a short protion of unthreaded length from the inside (you cut, or grind off the bolt head and use it like a stud). I search everywhere 7-8 years ago for replacement rivits, could not locate any that would work. This works, the nuts loosen once in a while, just have to check them like nearly everything else on an AD. Jim
That's what I was talking about... You should use hardened pins , like grade 12 if you use bolts to prevent wear as they will wear pretty quickly with regular grade 5 or 8 .