I am wanting to install a small tailight in the ' bedroll ' and use as a signal light, this is on top of bed -rear, in the approx 1 1/4" hole in the bedroll, does anyone know what light would work ? Bill
They make bed cap lights just for that application. I just can't remember off the top of my head who sells them.
Several vendors sell them for about $110.00 a pair. Check out my version of cheap/quick and see if it might work on your truck. http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2028477940090459121hwwtUe The next picture in the album shows what I used for the light body. Was going to use an LED but found a straight conventional bulb was just as bright. I use the rail light in conjunction with a lower mounted LED as turn signal lights. Dave
If you want your lights totally inside the bed rails....a chunk of tubing (bass boat seat extension diameter), a couple fat O-rings and a little disc cut out of tail light repair kit and sandwiched between the O-rings will let it slide right inside! Add a bulb receptical and you're in business. Dave Save the $110. for your next tank of gas!!!!
What Dave Said ....Then slide it in about 2" and it'll be invisable until you flick on the turn signal..... Use an LED lamp here to really get attention when you're making a turn .
Tail light I used some of your ideas, got bulb recepticle and bulbs from NAPA, went the hardware and got some plastic plumbing fittings that the recepticle slid in snug, epoxyed it in, outside diamater of fitting was 1 1/2" so it fit in bed roll snug with some grinding, also epoxyed that in bed roll, ran a screw through bed roll into metal bulb recepticle for grounding, used an amber bulb. Bulb is recessed approx 3/8", No lens, will see if this holds up, for now it works great !! BILL
Go, Bill! Outstanding! Thanks for the very descriptive how-to instructions! I'm willing to bet you won't be the only one who does this!
I see just one problem......you've got the whole thing so securely installed in the bed rail that you just can't pull it out and show the guy who asks about it. I love to see the look on their faces when they see the green "rainbird" label.....you can actually hear the wheels turning in their heads!!!!! Dave
I did this on my 51. I ordered some 'caps' from CP (think they were called the bed-roll caps). They just push in. I driilled a hole in each and bolted in 'LED bolts' (I chose the red ones). I then wired them to my brake and signal lites...pretty easy. They look great at night...the LEDs are really bright.