I purchased a new floor starter bellows for 53 pickup. how do you install it without ' splitting ' it ?? Bill
There should be a hex shaped nut right behind the round top on the starter pedal. It should unbolt as it is a treaded stem. Be careful, these things are in a position where they received lots od dirt and water over the years, suggest you "PB Blast" first to makes sure it comes easy. Threading it back in can be tricky because the starter linkage is not stable, and on the other side of the floor. i am sure Nate has a trick for this. Jim
I've always just grabbed the starter button and unscrewed it right off , slip the new bellows on and gently offer up the button until you can start the threads.... It's easy , you'll see .
Starter Pedal I just took mine off last week and besides the nut below the head there are 'flats ' on the shaft so If I had seen it I could have used a wrench to hold it while I took the head off. But like usual I screwed the whole darn thing out of the floor ( starter bracket thingy)
The club Sad to say, I went out and bought a "club" for the steering wheel. I like the "remove the peddle" idea a lot better!
Anti - Theft Sadly this is really a good idea , having ' The Club ' on your steering wheel , I've been reading about the odd theft of a vintage truck here & there . Also , you can add a simple switch between the _negative_ side of the ignition coil and ground , flip it and your truck cannot be hot wired nor push started . this will not work with a non points ignition . Similarly , if you swap one plug wire with the coil wire in the center of the dizzy cap , it'll crank and sould like it's going to start but it won't...... As always, the old ways or often (but not always) the best ways .