Doing just what it was designed to do. First trip to the dump. After emptying, loaded it with free mulch from the town and made the girlfriend happy. Too cool. At least two more trips tomorrow in the am. Andy
Too Cool! Hey Andy, I LOVE the running board (less) look! I can feel how happy your truck is to be "back in action," doing truck things! I'm envious! And no rain!
that is exactly what these trucks are made to do!!! and that is exactly what I will be doing with mine just as good looking as a show truck!!! just in a different way.
Heat Andy - That's a couple days heating in the wood stove! How about dropping it off at the house? Larry
Nah, That ain't heat. It's yard debris that's been there since I bought the house 2 years ago. HEAT is my neighbor's oak that just came down and he has no use for. Wood stove going in my house this year. Cost me $2500.00 to fill my oil tank in April. Can't imagine what it's going to be if the prices keep rising. Heating my house with wood. The town also has FREE fire wood. Highway dept. drops off their downed trees and such at a facility. You go there with your chainsaw and load up. so let's see...FREE wood versus expen$ive oil. do the math. The truck was so happy yesterday that it ran like it was new And's only running board-less because the kids haven't been around long enough to put them on yet. I refuse to do it. It's on the road now and I did more than I should have to get it there. I don't want to spoil the fun for them anymore. Gotta leave something for them to do on it, ya know. They painted the boards two weeks ago along with the underbed spare carrier. time to put them on. That will happen NEXt weekend. This weekend it's bass fishing on Father's day. Andy
Andy, don't you have a friend or two who are into wood craft? The area around the roots make great boxes and bowls--- wish I had those babies! Glenn
Wood stove Larry, you have a wood stove? If you're serious about needing scraps, I'll keep you in mind for the future. I lost my guy that used to take my junk wood. Bob
I'm with Andy - wood is way cheaper than the utility bill, even buying it delivered, and the heat is so much warmer, radiant - not just blowing air. Been 100% wood heat since the first $250 electric bill 26 years ago. The mess and the heat generated gathering and splitting is more than worth it. Larry
I have people all the time who can't believe I am loading up my truck at Lowes, the dump, etc. I tell them" Its a truck, isn't it?"
meats Nate, 235/75 R15 on 6" wheels. It does 2000 RPM at 40 MPH (according to the speedo). How many RPM do you cruise at? How fast is the truck moving at those RPM's? I have a pair of old 16" wheels with big bias ply mud tires on thwm. I may put them on the back for a test ride just to see the difference in RPM at speed. Trying to figure out if I can get away with 50-55 MPH without the expense of the Patrick's rear end upgrade. Seriously, at speed, what RPM would you be safe to cruise at for long periods of time. You already said not to bring it over 3000 RPM unless to shift, but what RPM would you reccommend for an hour or so drive on the freeway at sustained speed. Andy
I'm not an expert, but I'd say it's those 6" wheels... What kind of a bolt pattern is that? I am curious to know what sustained RPMs will be. I hope upper 2?
Cruising RPM's Well it depends : are we talking about my engine or yours ? O.K. , just funnin' ya Andy , put down that pickle ! It's been years since I ran long test leads out the hood into the cab for my tachometer , you all know i have God's tachometers , one on each side of my head.... Anyways , assuming you have a decent 235/261 engine , 3,200 is the most I'd go for a long ride . IIRC the diameter of my 16's is 32" , it's been years since I did all this and bought my new Daytons . If you have a pair of 16" rims , go get 'em powder coated and mount up some nice radial LT 16's on the rear , that should get you up to 60 MPH without duress.. When buying tires , look at the outer diameter and choose that way ~ that's (more or less) how I chose the ones I use . I hope this helps and pardon my spelling errors , I broke my last pair of glasses Sunday evening and am now stuck with a pair of .99 cent Horn Rims and a magnafying glass to read with , I'm typing sans magnafier so everything is kinda fuzzy ....
235/75/15s are 29" tall. The taller the tire, the taller the final drive ratio. Ex. on my old toyota, it had a 195/75 14 when I got it. I put on a 185/60 14 to get it as low as possible, and it would take off like a shot, but ran about 10 miles off on the speedo at speed. I later got 195/50 15 and stayed about the same. When I put on 215/40 17, it killed the take off, but I could cruise the highway like nothing. No matter what your final gear is, a taller tire will lower it down. Search on the gear ratios, and there is a table that will tell you what gear with what tire your rpms should be turning at 60mph.
Please To Remember : Scrapes & bruises on a truck are like Seargent's stripes in the Army.... Earned and not @ ROTC ! .