Felt kit

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by garretthes, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. garretthes

    garretthes Guest

    I just purchased the complete door window kit from Chevy Duty but I don't know how to install the felt in the vent window track. Instead of an insrt I received a roll of felt. How does it go on?
  2. rick az

    rick az Member

    Oct 10, 2002
    Go to Brotherstruckparts.com. There is a tutorial with pictures-- that saves me from writing several thousand words.
  3. rico_bob

    rico_bob Member

    Dec 19, 2001
    Harrison USA
    >I just purchased the complete door window kit from Chevy
    >Duty but I don't know how to install the felt in the vent
    >window track. Instead of an insrt I received a roll of felt.
    >How does it go on?

    You probably should have bought new channels with the felt already in it. The reliners are supposed to either have self sticky tape or be glued in... either way they do not last as long!

    My 2-cents worth, rico

    My trucks:
    56 SWB Stepside Small Window
    57 SWB Stepside Big Window
    58 LWB Stepside 2B Ext. Cab
  4. garretthes

    garretthes Guest

    It's been months since I figured this out. I just used 3m spray adhesive. It was a bit messy but did the trip. I would have prefered the strips allready installed.
  5. LBear

    LBear Guest

    I just bought the same felt kit from Chevy Duty as well. It came in the roll as you said. The tutorial at Brothers shows the felt coming backed with adhesive tape which this does not. I'm figuring I'll be gluing it in.

    On a related matter tho, the felt channels that go up the side and across the top... the old ones have metal clips that apparently get pressed up when the window trim is put in place. The new ones from Chevy Duty don't have these clips... any thoughts???


    56 Stepside
  6. garretthes

    garretthes Guest

    I used 3m adhesive to glue the felt in. It worked well.
    As far as the flex felt channel, I am not real excited with mine yet. I have it in but it's not "IN" like I would like.
  7. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    I removed the old metal clips from the old channels. Then used a pop rivit to hold them in place on the new ones. Of course I took measurements and placed the clips in the same place on the new felt run channels. It worked well to hold them.
    Good Luck
  8. Larry Bear

    Larry Bear Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Thanks! I was surprised how easily the clips came off. Attached them to the new felt. Next question... should I put the felt in before I put the new window back in or after?? FYI, I did check out the tutorials out there and tho helpful the 56 is a bit different then what's shown.

    56 Stepside - Daily driver
    Carlisle, MA
  9. d4jsmit

    d4jsmit Member

    Aug 6, 2005
    Mountain View USA
    I've read the tutorial, but my problem is slightly different. I want to replace just the vent window rubber. The felt for the rest of the window is OK. Any tips on how to do this?

  10. 58 chevy

    58 chevy Guest

    If you have a fax machine I have the instructions for installing vent window rubbers, if you could e-mail me with your address i will be more than happy to try to help... tech1@chevyduty.com

    Jesse Hazell Chevy Duty Tech.

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