Happy Independance Day to all of you out there, and lets don't forget the men and women overseas watching out for us.
Beautiful Day! I can't believe the day turned out so dang beautiful! I missed "shotwheels" at the show, but I did get a shot of his truck. (post picture tomorrow) Would have got more, but my batteries for my camera were DEAD!!! Arrrrrrgh! Anyway~ enjoy and respect this country. It's a dandy! Happy 4th, everyone!
But Of COURSE ! I meant : don't get too terribly drunk and run the boat into the dock , or shoot your brother in law , like that . This is America so we really know how to party... I'm in South Central Los Angeles right now and the fireworks have been going off for a few _hours_ , I wonder when they'll run out . The good news is : this year , no gunfire (so far)
Dude, you crack me up![/QUOTE] Neil ; You have to experiance Ghetto life to understand it , it's sort of like the Wild West , pretty much everyone here has a gun or two.... When I lived in the Barrio , one of my neighbors used to shoot his machine gun up into the air every 4th of July . We used to park the L.A.P.D. cars on the top of Pipe Tech over by East L.A. , they'd be full of bullet holes from spent rounds falling back down . That's why I was so pleased to not hear any gunfire outside last night . sopme of our Foster kids were out in the street .
puzzled How can you guys live like that? wouldnt it be nice if there wasnt the threat of the gun hanging over your head? OOOPS prob better not get into that argument! Happy 4th July fellas/ladies
Here's what being a papa is all about~ My daughter riding on the back of my big bro's motorcycle. She's mid 5, and already hooked on enginized things! Thank God for "time to enjoy!"
Sweet ! I remember when my baby boy was little like that and we'd go off exploring on my old BMW /2.... Remember : NOW is the time to teach her to always wear gloves & sturdy shoes , as safety knows no season .
The wife and son and I retraced the Wilderness Trail from King's Port to Cumberland Gap on the 4th. My Great Grandfather and his brother walked from the farm I live on now to Cumberland Gap Kentucky to join the Union in 1862. The Great Granddad had to walk on to Louisville, KY because, by the time he got to the Gap, the Union had made a retreat. Anyway, it was a great trip and I got to explain a lot of history to my son. This was the trail that Daniel Boone blazed in 1775 and, between 1775 and 1810, 30,000 settlers traveled it to the "west". By the way, had a pistol on my hip the whole way. Happy 4th and happy birthday to the land of the free! Gater Last year we visited the Museum of the Appalachias where the photos of the anvil shoot came from. This year we also visited the Wilderness Road Park where we saw some folks in period dress firing off a "Grasshopper". These small cannons were good because they could be moved over the sttep narrow trails. They could even run poles through rings in the carriage and pick them up. There was an eight man crew for each cannon. Here is a pic.
Don't get me started again! What? That's not enough? How 'bout fast food and fat people? I've missed you, brit!