Durangoroadboss (Richard) PM'd me about a three speed for his 52. I thought I'd answer on the Forum for several reasons. First I don't know what it came from, a natural thing when there are some 30+ trans in the storage building. Next is that super sleuths like Kens 50 can find out ANYTHING on a computer. Lastly the pics show the low/reverse sliding gear Nate has always told everyone that it can be reversed. This one, the gear in the dead center of the first pic, happens to be excellent but many times has badly chipped teeth from grinding into low while moving or crashing into reverse. The numbers on the cap are: 28 above and 3686832GM below that. On the case a 6 on top, GM in second row, and 591615 on bottom. Ninety degrees to these numbers are E283. Maybe someone can decipher what it came in. I thank you and I'm sure Richard does.
Evan, you are the man! OK, so you walk into a storage building and say to yourself "OK, there are 30+ trannys here, which one should fit a '52 chevy pu?" "Yeah, that one looks right!" Uncanny! Unbelieveable! Then to try to humble yourself you say "I don't know what it came from..." The "case" is 48-54 commercial 3-spd. The "cap" is 48-54 all, except for FK and FJ. FK is '48 passenger Fleetmaster or Fleetline and FJ is '48 passenger Stylemaster. Mystery solved. Congrats to Durangoroadboss for getting a good, correct tranny. My continued songs of praise to Evan for being one of the greatest, and score one more for Super Sleuth!
No~ You are, Mr. Numbers! Unreal! Now for some MORE magic~ Ken, the winning powerball numbers, please.
That's EZ! They were 2 12 20 22 50 Powerball 17. (7-12-08) I sent those to you last week! Didn't you play?
Side Loading Three Speed Tranny Clearly you guys have never seen a bad 1st/reverse slider... The really good thing is : what makes a " commercial " model of ths tranny is the cluster gear has roller bearings instead of the usual (fast wearing) bushing so this indeed is the tranny you want . Pretty much all Torque Tube trannies are interchangeable but some are better than others .