Anyone out there know where to look for new cables? This cable is on my 3800. It's 54 inches from end of adjustment shaft to the drum. I found them for the 1/2 tons but I don't have any idea if they are the same or not My parts book doesn't identify the cable part number. I do have a second option. I have another tranny with the brake on the prop. shaft but I haven't found the attaching yoke yet. Rick
i know on my 3/4 ton all i had to do was purchase a little longer connecting rod, and that was it. Maybe its the same for the 1 ton, just a little longer yet
Connecting Rod Yea, I did see the 3/4 and 1/2 ton cables are the same except for the connecting rod on the 3/4. The 1 ton doesn't use the connecting rod so I'm guessing they are different. Rick
it looks like on your 2nd pic, that its the same as what I have, which is for a 3/4 ton. do you have any other pics of the cables? Maybe someone else on here can answer, im a newbie at it myself and am just learnin
Looks like the right one? Mike, I believe it is! Holes are not on center though. 2 1/2 on the short side, 2 3/4 on the long side. Tell me more. Rick