powerglide trans is pre 1967 powerglider start with a c and a post with a p. are they worth fooling with? How about borg warner stuff? did it go into 1960's truck or just big stuff?
Don't know a whole lot about Borg Warner trannys. From what I know the power glide is a popular drag tranny. The biggest problem with them is they are not worth a crap going down the highway. A TH350 will bolt right in and a 700R4 needs a shortened drive shaft. In my opinion the 700R4 is the way to go if you like to drive alot.
I had a borg warner 4 speed in a camaro, holy hell, you could drop the clutch at high rpm's, drop it into second and then right into third, and it handled it every time. it was fast as hell!! youd swear when you shifted, that the dash was going to break off it would hit so hard, and the was with a stock 350sb. they make gooood trannys.
borg warner trans what all did chevy put them in and till what date. do you know anyone that has in dept knowledge on them?
billy b, Here is the info you need to include the casting number info http://fiedlerh.home.att.net/BW.htm