Finally got her painted and spent the weekend putting it all back together. It's was the first time I had the "cow catcher" on the truck. This thing weighs around 100# so I hope for their sake I never run into anybody Found new (very old) wheels on the net which makes the trucks looks just like she did in 1952 (I did change the color, the original color was puke green). Still lots of little things to do but the list is much smaller. Hate to admit this, but I decided I was not competent to spray the final coats so I let Maako do it. Even up close it looks pretty decent.
Outstanding! Put it back together in a weekend?! Great use of time! Now go drive that beautiful rig and don't worry about stopping in time! Believe me~ letting someone else do the painting is THE way to go! Unless you're a dunce like me...
Steve, looking good! Love the grille guard! I'll be checking my rear view mirror more often when I'm in the Galleria!
As Original Now , that's what I'm talking about ! it's *perfect* . Even cheap paint jobs can be very nice if you take the time to prep it a bit and strip off everything they'll overspray . FWIW , that " puke green " is a nice color and even moreso if you'd done the two tone thing like it is now . plus , the color hides the vomit from those late night party ride home quite well.... You said new/old wheels , did you put split rims on it again ? . Agreed , it's now time to drive it .
Rims Really looks nice. Great job! Now enjoy it! I can't decide if I want to paint my rims body color or not.
Rims Nate, they are standard 16" x 5" 1 peace rims. I found them on e-bay, listed as early 1940's truck wheels. I had been looking for 16" rims for a long time so was really happy to find 4 matching ones in great shape. Gypsy, I went with the black trying to keep the old farm truck look. One added benefit is that when I pop off the hubcaps and scape up the paint, its real easy to fix with my can of black Rustoleum
Ready to Show Steve, The 52 looks great. A near perfect 52 (very little chrome). It looks ready for the big show in Beaumont this weekend if you want to come take the restored truck trophy away from me or Ken (if he will show). Drag that little "gray mare" to Port Arthur, I have a place you can park it while you are here. The grille guard is an honest piece of real truck. I have something similar from Thunder's Farm days, but am reluctant to reinstall because it had such a tendency to bump into the 54 grille "bull nose'. Nice job Steve. Jim
At last! A picture of a guard installed! now i can see exactly why the fenders and bumper panel were beaten the cr*p out of in a symetrical way on my truck!! Great truck fella, get out there and enjoy it
Rattle cans Jim, my little truck is far from ready to show. Other than the Maaco job I am a running advertisement for rattlecan Rustoleum I'm just really happy that I'm out of primer and can proudly now drive to Home Depot in real style. Hope you faired well in the storm today. No damage at our jobsite in beautiful Port Arthur. Will be there tomorrow to check things out. Maybe after it cools down (like November!) I'll try a drive there with "the 52" if I can figure out how to get there without getting run over on I10
Roads to PA Steve, When you get ready to drive your little 216 to PA, don't even think about I10. I know every road in these 5 or 6 counties, we can find a back East across, may have to go out of the way, stop a few times, but at least we won't get run flat over. Thunder has been on I10 twice (235, 355 gear, and still seems risky). I won't say never again, but there will have to be a real good reason. Old Highway 90 and FM365 will get you here pretty good most days. We made it through TS Edouard pretty much unscathed. I think my neighbor spilled a beer, didn't even lose power in this storm. Just lucky this time. Beaumont show is this weekend. Yall come on. Jim
Interstate 10 Madness Boy howdy , you ain't kidding Jim ! I was on a six lane portion of I-10 yesterday doing a tad over 60 in the slow lane when some jerkoff in an 18 came zooming up behind me , flashing his lights and blowing his horn....... 6 lanes and this A-hole had to hassle the slow lane...
East Texas I10 I agree Nate. But in East Texas much of IH 10, even though it is carrying tremendous loads of "flying" traffic is stiil only 2 lanes in either direction. No place for a 235AD running a torque tube, and certainly no place for a 216AD. There are options, these just take longer, and require a few extra mles. and stops. Better safe than sorry. Jim
That looks real good. . You truck looks so original. Speaking of rattle can. I'm a rolling ADvertisement ( A.D. pun intended) for K-mart spray cans.
Thanks Sweet! These guys got sick of me going on about painting my G with a rattle can~ I'm glad you've shown everyone how slick that kind of painting can look!!! I just happen to be given my dad's spray gun and I'm a believer that things happen for a reason. ...Of course, it doesn't hurt that my rattle can red would fade wade to soon because of the lack of hardener...