thanks for the seriel # break down, that is very good info to know. ill talk to coilover on the sb part of the project, thanks for letting me know he does that for a living. ill check for those resistors, thanks for the lead on that too. do you know where i can find the vin, or is the seriel # the vin?
The serial # and vin # are the same. PS: Hey guys, welcome 66 Kustom to the fold. He's got a cool looking '66 and now has a '53 also. Check out his pics on the 60-66 forum (thread 47-53)
good to know, thanks Kens 50. i didnt want to sound to stupid asking that but i work for a dealership and new cars today actually have a vin and serial #, theres so much info on cars today that i guess they needed more digits to decifer. also thanks for the introduction to this forum Ken, i hope to make good friends here as i have in the 60-66 forum.
Neat truck! Your going to have lots of fun with that truck. Looks like its in pretty good shape! Welcome to the forum, believe everthing you hear from Nate and Ken, but lookout for the brit
thanks steve, ill watch out for the brit!! the truck is in pretty good shape except the holes in the roof, guess ill have to break out the welder!!
Great Start! What a lucky truck! Poor thing~ left to set out in the weeds and become one with nature... I'm sure with your work crew you got there, it won't know what hit it! It looks like a mighty nice body! How/why would anyone ever just stick a rig like this in the woods to be forgotten? You'll get all the help you'll need here. This is a great site with great folks who know what they're talking about! Welcome, 66 Kustom! That's a nice looking 66 you have in your garage, also!
VIN Location The only place it is on the entire vehicles , is stamped into that crusty little plate on the driver's side A pillar in the door jamb . It is not anywhere on the frame , if you have the front end off consider stamping it into the left frame horn where it'll be visable with the inner fender panels in place as many of to-day's kiddie cops are not well enough trained to know there's not supposed to be a frame VIN on AD trucks... and occasionally they'll impound it for lack of same .
thanks zig, thanks vwnate. yep my work crew will have this old girl apart in no time. the owner and his father were restoring it 20 years back and unfortunalty the father died. the son left it on my coworkers horse ranch and.....well 20 years later apparently forgot about it. his lose, my gain i guess. but well get it back up and running and shell get to see the road again soon. thanks for the vin stamp idea, very smart!! the only major body work ill have to do is weld in a new center of the roof. it had been bondo'd and after years of rain and sun.... well now theres a hole. thanks for the welcoming and the compliment on the 66, she should have paint and see some pavment by next summer.