ok i ran in to an issue with the cowl vent seal did i get the wrong seal or is this how it's supposed to look? with the seal in the vent sits real high i spoke to brothers trucks and they think the cork version will do about the same.... any ideas?
The cowl vent should be flush with the cab. Is the seal moulded rubber? I used a foam rubber seal on mine and had no problems with the fit.
I used the rubber from Jim Carter. It has a curved surface that goes to the top. It should lay flat. There is some adjustment to the vent itself in the mount that might tighten it down a bit. I tend to stay away from Brothers....they are expensive. Try our host, truckshop, jim carter and lmc.
Seals I had the same problem until I realized I had the seal upside down The flat part down and the curved part up and then everything fits flush. (I used the molded rubber one from CP and it now looks and works great.
thanks guys i ordered one from Steele Rubber Hank over there said brothers seal was probably from overseas. he says his will be simmilar to the hardness of the door rubber seal.. thanks guys this really helps GT
Tanks! My vent's out right now and awaiting the painter. I appreciate this thread more than you know!
Check this area out for rust. look under the dash and see how it looks. Mine had rust holes and bondo that is beginning to crack out. I am looking a just replacing the whole cowl piece.