I've heard of people using early Mustang gas tanks mounted at the rear between the frame. Apparently you can fill behind a hinged licence plate. I would prefer the rear fill rather than going through the floor or the fender. Has anyone done this? I wanted to get some more details.
RE: ?Mustang under frame gas tank c [updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-05 AT 05:33 AM (CST)] I installed a mustang tank on my 1950. It is pretty straight forward, and should be similiar to yours. Issues that come up are: different ohms for the sender. If you are using aftermarket guages, you can get them to match. The fuel line will need to be attached to the stock one somehow, and it's in a different location. You will need to figure out a filler. The filler comes in from the top on the mustang tank. I used a 16 gallon tank, with a drain plug, and a filler from a Torino, and a bed fill door. With some creativity you could make it work behind a lic plate. I actually considered it, but liked the bed fill look, although if you have really nice wood, you can spill drips on it. I mounted my tank using 1 inch square stock bolted to the tank. Hope info is of use...Mike Attachments: https://talk.classicparts.com/images/attachments/42020c0e0834c247.jpg
RE: ?Mustang under frame gas tank c Thanks for the info Mike. I'm wondering if it will be too sharp a turn when filling if I fill from behind the licence plate. If I decide to fill in the bed where can I buy a bed fill door/hardware? Murray
RE: ?Mustang under frame gas tank c I checked mine, and yes, it would be pretty sharp. I don't know exactly how yours is setup. If you take measurements of your truck, you can go to www.gastanks.com and browse around. They show pictures, and measurements of each tank. Prices are reasonable too. I think the Chevelle, and malibu tanks are rear fill, as are others. If you can find a chevy tank, you can keep the stock guage too. I considered rear fill, for those reasons, but wanted the bed fill. Hope that helps a little...Mike