Well ; I hope all here have a great holiday weekend , I plan to ~ I'm leaving work @ noon to work on my old Mercedes in the shop's parking lot for a while then I'll wash up , hop in and head off to my beloved Desert I only wish I could drive my truck like I did last time . Anyone gets up by Kenedy Meadows campground , drop on in and say howdy . have fun and freak out people , just remember : NO DRUNK DRIVING and watch out for the other guy !
Have a great time Nate! I'll have one eye on the grill and one eye on "Gustav". I'll be glad when hurricane season is over! Gotta love the Texas Gulf Coast! Be safe!
Ken, Hope that Gustav blows itself out without hurting anything--- the National Hurricane Center cannot predict landfall accurately more than 12 hours in advance-- if you are anyway near in danger, get your a$$ out early- it won't help if you are sitting in your car on the clogged up highway when the storm hits. Your family's safety is the only thing that REALLY matters-- material things can be replaced! Take care,
Hurricane And we in the North complain about cold and snow! 3 day holidaze are great - a day on the truck, a day at the lake and a day to chill. The 4 day work week would be dream come true. Blessings to all this holiday weekend. Larry
Another "Great Day"(!) Nothing makes a day great like a car show! My dad and I did our 15th(?) car show today here in Pittsburg. We ran across this car that was just like one my dad and his buddy use to blast around in. His comment: "Did you notice that that speedometer went to 100? We did it~ and that was on a gravel road..." Funny how I couldn't get away with s*#t when I was young... Now it all makes sense... The other truck is an IHC 1919. I think~ 20 MPH top end. GREAT shape! I hope you all had a great first day off.
Having grown up on the gravel roads of East Tennessee I would say that doing 100 mph in that car was a sphincter tightening experience! Gater
Yabbutt ; Those old Ford flatheads were really made out of good metal so sliding one into the ditch was all part of the " fun " I'm home from the Desert allready , had scads of fun riding my old Honda CT90 Tailbike up to a mountain top here in So. Cal. that's _higher_ than Pike's Peak - about 45' higher . As I was riding along a deserted raod , wall eyed as usual , I spied , in an abandoned gas station , a nice '58 Chevy Task Force pickup ~ looks like it's an old Edison Elestric service truck , all yellow and has a spotlight mounted in the upper left corner of the cab for ease of use by the driver... looks nice , I wonder : Hmmmmmmmmm might there be room for one more oldie @ Chez Nate ?
Nate, you've got a one in three chance of scoring... Go for it Nate! There could be, dare I say it, a hidden treasure under the hood. Imagine the look on your face if you opened the hood and found, dare I say it, a 261 inline 6!
Could It Be...... Right ! Every time I drive past it , all surrounded by brambles (I'm sure that's why it's still unmolested after 30 years) I wonder if I should go take a look.....
Wellll... Bob, Now that I am M-U-C-H older, all these stories are starting to come to the surface... I guess I come by things "naturally". I'm sure he left out how many pints were put to rest first!
Regrets Fair enough Neil ; The deal is : I've done so much I regret , I now don't waste a lot of time on them as I cannot undo what has transpired allready ... -Nate
lessons learned I hear ya Nate, we all have things we regret in life but the worse ones by far are the ones that nag away in the back of your head saying 'I wish i had etc' because you never know what mite have come to be if you had done it! Just look at Zig, how do you think he feels every time he sees a Chevy while out driving his G? Must really eat him up
Stories from old guys Zig, just try to get all those great stories while you can! It's like an investment in your future. Bob
No doubt! I hear you, Bob! I think I'll wait until my daughter's my age before I tell her stories of MY past. 'Course by then I'll be 90 and a drollin' fool... She'd prolly chalk it up to dementia. Neil, Nate, What the I'm being ganged up on now, huh? G envy spreads... Or is that, "Gee, envy spreads!"