SWMBO and I were sitting outside the other night talking about the good old days, swatting 'skeeters, sweating like a couple of pigs (OK, I was, ladies don't sweat, they glisten!) Anyway, we got to talking about what someone might have in their glovebox back in the day. She said road map. I said church key. She said tire gauge. I said extra points and condenser. She said...you get my drift! Long story short, she surprised me a couple of weeks ago with an original road map of Texas from Humble Oil Co., (predicessor to Exxon) circa 1952. It now resides in the glove box of the truck as proud as it did back in the '50's! What is in your glovebox?
I want one! Insurance card and the passenger side door handle that came loose and fell off. I would love one of those vintage maps, Do you know where she found it? I am going to do some googling.
She got it on EBay It came from an outfit in Lake Worth, Fl called New World Maps, Inc. www.newworldmaps.com
Glove Box Owner's booklet , heater instructions , a buncha stuff that came with every new Chevy back in the day . Blaupunkt Radio , flashlight , tire pressure gauge , maps o' plenty (I like to travel ya know) I could prolly fill pages with the stuff that's carefully stuffed in there For old maps cheaply , hit up Thrift Stores and Antique Shops , they have them all the time . I have some old Gulf Oil maps I picked up over the years...
I got one. Found a map from 1953 on E-bay. For some reason, it was a set of two maps. One from Texas, the other from Ohio. Now I will have something cool to put in the glove box. Ken, thanks for the idea!
Cool Maps Glove box? I guess you're talking about that space behind what use to be a push button door inside what use to be a cab on what use to be a rusty frame? Maybe next year? Rick
Ah ha! Now i know what all that chewed up paper of a rats nest was in the crumblin cardboard box behind the dented door! a map of texas!!!!
Old stuff inside Memorabilia speaking, I have an old dash tray that fits up next to the windshield on mine. I had one on the '52 I had 30 years ago and dear old Dad had one in his '53 from the time I was born. I wouldn't be without it...very handy! Bob
Ohio map It is yours just for the asking. Just PM me your address and I will be happy to mail it to you. I will probably receive it sometime early next week.
Big?? What do you mean big? i bought my truck off of them, the rats that is, they were moving to a place in the Hamptons