Good day all! Anyone attending Hot August Nights in Reno, Nevada this year? Any trucks showing this year? I'm heading up on Saturday to check out the sights. Just wondering if anyone from this site was showing or attending this year. Unfortunately my truck is still inop due to lack of time, and lack of money. Thanks Bush! Maybe next year. Who knows. Would love to hear from or meet anyone from this great site who is attending.......Mike
Hi, Mike. It's about 7:00 P.M. Sat Eve. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I live here in Reno, so naturally I've been in and out all week. Love to meet up with you if it's not too late. I'm getting ready to head into town right now. Look for a 55 1st series with a rustoleum brown hood and Nv plates that say "menmy55". Bruce Jr.
Hey Bruce, Sorry I didn't get your message in time. Went up early and I just got back from HAN. We spent the day visiting the various shows, etc. Finished off the night in Sparks for the cruise. Had a good time as usual. Hope your night went well and safe. Maybe next year it'll work out. Take care.....Mike
Well ; It's August and it sure is HOT here in Indio , Ca. ! It cooled all the way down to 97° F last night.... I've not found any old cars cruising 'round though
Well I was there, did not get to go see any of the events tho seen all kinds of nice stuff on the road. Of course seen all kinds of trailer'd pretties . I was there picking up a 47 Farmall h from a lodge at Tahoe and taking it to my little vaction place near Parker Az. So if you seen a white F250 pulling a trailer'd Green Farmall down through Nv. that was me. Charles '48 3804 reg'd as a '47 9 ft. bed
I'm still practicing photo upping Here is the reason I was in the Reno area during Hot August Nights. 1., The tractor I picked up at Alpine Medows in Tahoe 2., is my oldest Granddaughter next to the tractor. That was the other reason to go there , to see the Grand Children.
That one runs so nice. Does not have any hyd. or pto at this time. But the other half likes to use it to take water out to her plants. So, that is why I get to play with the trucks,jeeps, and the tractors.
I'm trying out the avitar and signature. Also trying out the scanner on a picture of another withour the box and air cond. .
Steering play! Oh boy, thats one hell of a steering column jeez you must get a quarter turn of play just from the twist in the shaft!
smooth That is one of the nicest tractors to drive, very tight wheel. The guy i got it from had gone through everything and replace anything he could. Got it running him and his wife and she died about 6 months later. He let is set for over 3 yrs. before putting on Craigs list and selling it to me. It has a lot of power for it's age.
John Deere Greene Glenn, The tractor came from alpine meadows up at Tahoe. They used to take people from the parking lot to the lifts and lodge. At one time they also had it the color blue,besides the red and green it is now. It is a nice tractor to drive and it runs good. Charles
Don't Mind Me ~ I was stuck home with a bad cold and had more energy than common sense..... I'm a weisenheimer at times .