Finally some action for the truck

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by kyle, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. kyle

    kyle Member

    Nov 13, 2006
    Cincinnati, OH
    Hello, it is has a very long time since posting on this website. MY truck has been at a stand still due to an engagement/wedding/honeymoon. It left me losing interest in the truck, therefore avoiding the heartache of seeing others work on their trucks. The day has finally come though, to get crackin' on my half ton (not my new wife!). I yesterday started with ordering the rear suspension from air ride technologies. I came to work today and received 2 boxes, my air ride. This is the kit i went with:

    It comes with everything needed, 3000 lb air bags, shock, parallel 4 link system, panhard rod, etc. I have also been offered a new job and am starting monday. This is good because the amount of hours and pay i receive are way better than my last job, which will give me extra cash for the truck. When i drag my friend over to weld eveything up i will take pictures. Thanks for looking
    Mazda axela history
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Good deal ;

    I am glad you didn't loose all intetest and sell it .

    Remember to add some bump stops so in case of airbag failure (it happens more than you think) the truck doesn't wind up dragging on the ground as this always results in loss of control and a crash.... :eek:

    Take lots of 'photos and make diagrams of the measurements you use , many kits have too thin brackets that bend of break shortly , no biggie , just have the local welder guy fab you up some new ones and re-attech the links , bag perches etc. .

    What're you going to use for an air tank resivoir ? .
  3. Texas53

    Texas53 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
    Round Rock

    You never cease to amaze me. Here I thought you were just about keeping them stock. I guess when you have worked on as many cars as you have, you are bound to have a bit of hot rodder in you. Thanks for all the advice to so many different people.

    And Kyle, good luck with the new job and the second wind on your truck project. I had a similar experience with my build. It's a hobby not a job. So, when I didn't feel like it or had something else to do, I didn't work on it. Just keep at it and send us updates with pictures.
  4. kyle

    kyle Member

    Nov 13, 2006
    Cincinnati, OH
    Thanks for the support. They sent a huge packet with the contents of the box and they strongly stressed bump stops. They said it would keep people from trying to lower it too much and break them as well. As for selling the vehicle, i could never sell, it was my 21st bday present from my mother. I also could not sell because there are so many things in boxes, it doesnt look like a truck at all.
    Chrysler d platform
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  5. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    It's a G!

    So only people with serious money would be able to buy it anyway!:D

    Good luck with all that! Congratulations on your new job!
  6. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Hey man that looks like a cool kit. Much simpler than mine, which is a good thing. Be sure to order the quick disconnect 90degree fittings for the rear bags. They make life more simple and leak less. Also for the air dist block get the one that is a block not four individual solenoids. That is better for diagnosing problems later down the road. Can't wait to see pics of the truck. I to took a break from my truck due to lack of cash. I started half ass putting my truck together because I just wanted it done, then realized how stupid that was and it wasn't what I truely wanted so I just waited it out. I now have my cab on the frame, well for now, gotta raise it up. The cab is so low the fenders would be under ground if I bolted them on. I'll try to get pics this weekend for you guys to see. Gotta lot of honey do's so I'll try.
  7. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Kevin, YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!! Hot dang! I've given up on you. I though the TB's ghost had claimed another member! How IS your truck coming?! Catch us up with pictures! Good to know you're still with us!:cool:
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well ;

    If it's gotta get chopped , let's do it right so it'll be fun and safe to drive , right ? .

    Remember : I worked in the scrap end of The Auto Trade most of my life so I've seen the results of doing it wrong , up close and personal....

    Yes , I prefer them stock(ish) as I know that gaurantees the longest life but life is short so what the heck :rolleyes:

  9. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Yeah Zig I'm still here just been busy a while, then stopped on the truck a while, you know how it goes. The truck is coming along nicely now that I'm back on it again. The cab is setting on the frame, gotta make my mounts but I'm waiting to get my fenders and hood here so I know where to put the cab. The motor and trans are in and the frame is completely finished other than brakes and fuel lines. Gotta know where the cab sits before I can mount my under cab pedal. I'll get pics as soon as I can. Been painting the kitchen this weekend so no truck time for me and next weekend I've gotta work. This is kinda how my life has been lately so it's tough to get to the truck sometimes. I'll keep ya posted. It's good to hear from you guys again.

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