Help!! Question about Door Latches(Locks)

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Blue Bowtie, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. Blue Bowtie

    Blue Bowtie Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Panama City, FL
    Ok, I've been driving my truck now for a little while now and when I started driving, my latches and locks worked fine(they are the original lacthes, but they were in good shape). Anyways the other day, I got out of my truck and went to loock it, and it wouldn't lock(drivers side door). So my question is why would it all of a sudden not work. Does anybody know whats a matter with it.
    Thanks for any Help.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If you're lucky , it's just dirty , rusty and dry ~ remove it , soak in de-greaser then scrape out the little black stuff that's dried up grease then soak it in Phosphoric Acid , then runse it of and blow dry 100 % , use some Aerosol
    White Grease (OSH etc.) to lube it until it's sloppy wet , install and adjust , then you can wipe off the excess lube .
  3. Blue Bowtie

    Blue Bowtie Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Panama City, FL
    Ya it's not dirty, I cleaned the crap out it, and then, just like you said, sprayed it till it was dripping wet, wiped off the excess, and put it in. The problem is that when you push the handle to lock, it wont move that way, it still will move to open the door, it just wont go into the lock position.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Did you loosen the screws holding the remote control ? .

    I've had a few go wonky , sometimes the spring breaks and jambs .

    In the end , I gave up and bought N.O.S. latches for both doors after the passenger door popped open on a left turn and emptied the cab into the street :eek: ~ coulda been SWMBO in the cab when that happaned .

    I had no luck with re-pop door latches from The Truck Shop in Sta. Ana Ca. , I threw them all out as they didn't weork and were dangerous to boot .
  5. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Blue Bowtie,
    My driver’s door has never worked well and is down right dangerous to boot.
    At one time it may have been used as a training unit for truck thieves the way the edge is messed up.
    I bought and changed out both doors early one weekend and at the end of the first day I was shutting the doors over and over then slamming the doors over and over. The neighbors were coming out looking I had to stop the cussing because of the kids around after the slamming started, the next morning I put back the old good stuff and returned them to the same place Nate got his mis-fits from.
    Sometimes just moving the unit into tension while tightening some works, it has made mine somewhat better. My passenger side door and latch works just great.
    Hope this helps some,
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2008
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Door Latch Adjusting

    If you look in the gap just as the door closes , often the striker (stationary piece) only enters the latch about 1/3 ~ it'll usually have gouges in it too , repop strikers are O.K. quality , I cut up my old strikers to use the flat mounting part to shim the new strikers away from the door post and deeper into the latch , this helped a lot as did using new screws and a hand impact tool to tighten the bejesus out of the strikers so they don't drift inwards every time you close the doors ~ it takes time and patience to properly adjust the striker plates , hold the door almost closed and observe that the latch enters the striker evenly , not too low nor too high .

    Make tiny , minute adjustments .

    Once you get it ' Just So ' , tighten the screws for all you're worth and don't forget to use the special concave star washers ! .

    You really need the moulded rubber door edge seals to cusion the door and once adjusted , never slam it nor allow it to be slammed .

    I still don't know why your driver's side door latch decided to stop locking :confused:

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