For all those getting ready to be wrapped up in "Ike". We have a lot of great folks down there. Keep them in your prayers.
Prayers accepted. Thanks. 50 mile wide eye predicted to go right up I45, 5 miles east of me. Ken: I'll bet you are saying "Naa, naaa, na na naaaaah!" about my nagging you to get your '50 down here to Texas.
Ike---eek I've tested my generator, chilled the beer and loaded the shotgun but will take all the help we can get. Tonight should be interesting for all of us around southeast Texas.
8:00pm and all is well hereI'm getting 35 mph sustained with gusts to 50. I tried calling Thunder54 but "all lines are busy". Life on the Texas Gulf Coast-gotta love it! Steve and Bill, stay safe! I've got a chainsaw (with "Sta-Bil" in it), so you guys hollar if I need to come "saw you out"
Our Best Hopes And thoughts go out to y'alls living in harm's way ~ last year SWMBO got me to go to the coastal plain to look at " retirement " property ~ when were were still 25 miles inland I said to her ' you know this is all a HUGE flood plain right ? only stupid folks would buy here...' She'd allready been hooked by the Eric Estrada ad , I feel very sorry for the old folks from the city who'd put all thier eggs into that basket . I hope no one gets hurt but they're telling us some folks (with kids yet !) are refusing to evacuate . Be well my freinds , you can always get another old truck .
Ike is gone! Last night was real exciting, my house was in the ring wall for about 4 hours. (the storm eye passed 3-4 miles east of us) Incredible wind and rain for about 8 hours, trees down everywhere, power out for 2-3 weeks but from what I can tell not too many injuries so far. This could have been much worse. Found one good leak in the roof Hope everyone else in the area faired well, please check in if your computer is working. (I brought my work laptop with the aircard home. It's great for getting news when cable is out) And yes, the 52 never left its garage
Good on ya, Steve! I'm glad to hear you made it through alright! I was pm-ing Ken's 50 before the storm really set in~ haven't seen him on or heard from him. Like he said, pray for those on the coast~ Like Jim. He lives in Port Arthur. Ken couldn't reach him by phone shortly before Ike come on shore. Please don't stop sending those prayers their way. They will need all the help they can get in days to come. When I was in FLA, back in 79 or 80, I lived on the inner coastal waterway. (Fort Walton Beach) We had a hurricane go through Pensicola. I was on the Western edge and "stood" in 80+ MPH winds just outside my barracks. It's not fun. It was the scariest time of my early life. Mother Nature can grab you up and crumple you in a skinny minute. What happened in Texas needs our thoughts and prayers. I know we have a LOT to send their way.
Dang! Just checked the radar, and that suckers coming straight up our way! Thankfully, it'll be just a rain maker~ like it has been all day...
Regardless of where you live hope you stay high and dry listening to, Flooding down in Texas by Double Trouble & Stevie Ray Vaughn
REO Speedwagon couldn't have said it better in their song "Riding the Storm Out". Me and mine are OK, tired but in good spirits. The only thing I lost was my garage and the 90 ft pine tree that started it all. I've always wanted a 3 car garage. Looks and State Farm and I will get it worked out. Talked to Hanlon, he's OK. Still can't get in touch with Thunder54. Thanks for your prayers. I feel truly blessed!
glad to hear you are all safe... let's all keep praying for all the families that aren't as fortunate.
Thanks for the prayers! You guys must have good connections. No storm damage and my mother in law ended up at my daughter's house instead of my place. Who could ask for more? Well, maybe if the electricity would come back on.
Magnetism Ken, its obvious in my neighborhood that the oak trees fell away from houses and the pine trees fell into them. Must be some magnetism between the pine studs and the pine trees. I also have an acorn theory around why Ike came our way Good to see everyone checking in and in good humor. My generator is still purring away. Hope all is well with Thunder, Port Arthur is OK but electric and normal phone will be out for a while. Some areas around there got hit pretty hard however
Hey big brother~ glad that was ALL that happened! To bad you already redid your bed wood! I'd consider that a "sign" if you hadn't already installed it!
Jim and Thunder are alive! I just got off the phone with Jim (Thunder54) and he, his family and Thunder are doing OK! Jim tells me that he probably won't have power for another week but that's life on the Texas Gulf Coast! I finally got power back this afternoon. It gonna sound strange tonight not hearing the constant drone of 5KW generators! Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers! Ken
It's been "Storm'n down in Texas" At least that's how Stevie Ray sings it. Man, SE Texas and SW Louisiana are a great big mess, but we are doing pretty good all things considered. The levee at Port Arthur is 3' higher than the 11' storm surge we received. Steve's refinery is inside the levee as well, but the flares have been lit up like a giant birthday cake for over a week now. rita had much more wind, but his was a flood of record for Jefferson County Texas. Thunder is OK. The first photo is the trash line on the storm levee outside my office which is dry. The second is a lock at the Jefferson County Gulf shore on the 15th. Jim